"Where are you taking her?" His older brother asked, looking at him straight dead in the eyes.

"To her home. It's way past her curfew and she only agreed to go past it because we were supposed to be having a date right now." Rindou answer, deepening the word 'supposed' as if it had an another meaning delivered to his older brother.

Ran's lazy eyes widened a little because he raised both of his eyebrows. He got the second meaning of the word alright.

"Well I'm coming. Wouldn't want Miss intoxicated here to get lost, right?" The older haitani smirked as he glanced at Y/N who was still shocked from what happened.

Rindou rolled his eyes. Having a lanky and whimsical older brother can be a pain in the ass too. 'I see it the other way around.' Ran doesn't even know where she lives and so does Rindou but he was planning on knowing anyways.

When he noticed his older brother's shopping bags, he took this chance to make an excuse so he can't come with them. "No thanks, bro. You still have your shopping bags to take home and we don't want to trouble her, right?" He pointed at the shopping bags.

It was witty yet-

"Actually, we can still manage." He didn't expect for Ran to pull out a car key from his pocket. Where'd he even got that? They don't have the money to literally buy a car nor had any plans to buy it.

-Uncalled for.

'Did he steal from someone again? I should've known.' Rindou glared at his older brother who gave him a lazy smile in return. The reason why he never comes to the mall or some crowded place with his older brother was because Ran's hands were as itchy as an ant bite. It would be called grand theft right now and as much as how it sounds very fun to experience, Rindou would tell that it's really not. Running away from trouble is easy since his older brother's hands were soft and slender so no one would really notice that their stuffs were already snatched away from them but when the trouble gets noticed? Yeah. He won't take the risk anymore.

"Come." He picked up the shopping bags with his other hand and he dragged the two away from the place then, to the parking lot.

"Wait, my bike." Rindou told Ran. The older haitani glanced back at his brother. "That wasn't yours anyways." Ran mused. True to his word, the bike that Rindou used wasn't literally his. Ran stole it from someone and gave it after to Rindou as a brotherly gift. Does that aspect even exist?

Even so, Rindou dearly cared for that stolen bike because it was given by his older brother who rarely gives things to him. Says that love is the only thing he can give to Rindou. It was dumb but he should appreciate it.

Ran opened the backdoor of the car before throwing the shopping bags inside carelessly.

"Miss Intoxicated here is sitting infront with me." Ran said to Rindou who was about to assist Y/N inside the car.

Rindou gave him a nonchalant look before he continued assisting Y/N inside. There's no way he's going to let her sit in the gunshot seat infront. Not when it's his older brother that she'd be beside with.

When she was already comfortable with her seating. Rindou ignored the glare that Ran gave him as he welcomed himself next to her.

Rindou closed the door as soon as Ran was about to reach and drag him out from the seat.

'Next time brother.' He smirked sarcastically. Knowing Rindou, he won't give his older brother the chance of a 'next time'.

"Fucker." Rindou heard Ran yell from outside. So his cocky attitude got a bit touched, huh?

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