Chapter 30

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Y/n's pov

........................................................... Two year later ........................................

Here we are. Two years after the final battle of Hogwarts , two years after knowing the truth about me and my destiny , two years after being killed , two years after killing Voldemort , I'm going to marry the one I've ever loved , the one who always make my heart beat , the one who saved me from death .

I'm going to marry Mattheo Riddle today .I'm going to have the October wedding I've always wanted . 

" Y/NNNNNN " I heard girls voices screaming 

I looked at the door of the room where I was waiting for my bridemaids to help me to dress and I saw Pansy and Anna standing there  I ran and hugged them.  They looked amazing in their dresses.

" Both of you are stunning " I told them 

" Thanks but today is your day , and it's gonna be amazing " Pansy said

" I can't believe you're getting married " Anna added , hugging me again.

I laughed and they helped me to dress up , made my hair and my makeup with , on either of their left hands , a ring . Draco proposed to Anna eight months ago and Blaise to Pansy five month ago . All of us have finished our sixth year ,  passed our seventh year and got our graduation .

Once I was ready , Pansy and Anna looked at me with amazement in their eyes .

" You are the most beautiful bride of all time " They exclaimed at the time .

I laughed and thanked them and then , finally looked at me in the mirror . They were right , I did look beautiful , I hoped Mattheo would like it . My dress was perfect to me , white as snow , the train was georgous and the lace was amazing .

Then , it was the moment , Hermoine came to tell is that everything was ready and everybody was there . My best friends led me outside . We stopped in front of a closed door . Draco was there . He looked at me , smiling . During those two last years , w$he became like an older brother to me 

" You're beautiful y/n " he said and I hugged him

" Well , y/n , everybody's waiting for you behind this door , Mattheo is with Blaise , pansy and I are going to enter first and then Draco will guide you to the altar , okay ? " Anna asked .

I nodded , she kissed Draco and her and Pansy entered the room . 

" Are you nervous ? " Draco asked me 

" Yes " I confessed 

" Are you happy " he asked kindly 

" More than everything " I answered truthfully

Then I heard the music stopped for a moment and starting again . Draco took my hand .

" Ready ? " 

I took a deep breath and nodded . He smiled , opened the door and we walked in .

Mattheo's pov 

I was waiting on the altar , with Blaise . Him and Draco were my best men .  All the people I knew were sitting in front of us , waiting , like me , for Y/n to entered with Draco . The door opened , Pansy , then Anna came in .

I was feeling the most strange feeling ever , I was so happy and so anxious at the same time . Blaise noticed  it , and laughed softly :

" Come on man , relax "

" Easy for you to say , you don't know what it's like " I groaned 

" Yeah , but I know you two are meant to be together " I told me 

I smiled . That was true , we were meant to be together . I loved her with all my heart and more than my own life or everything in this world. Then , the music started .

When the door finally opened , my jaw dropped and the whole world around her dissapeared . She was so beautiful , so perfect , so mine . she was my angel . Her gaze caught mine and all I could do was watching her , in amazement ,  walking closer to me . She felt like heaven , my heaven .

When she got near to me , Draco took her hand and placed it in mine  , and came next to Blaise behind me . I led y/n next to the altar and everydody in the room except Blaise , Draco , Anna , Pansy, y/n and me .

Y/n and me still couldn't look away . He were looking at each others in the eyes , it seemed that everybody else had just disappered , that it was just the two of us. The ceremony started.

" Mattheo Riddle , would you take for lawfully wife Y/n Y/l/n , in wealth as in poverty, in health as in sickness, in joy as in misfortune, and this, until death do part you? "

" Yes , I do" I answered ,smiling ,  my eyes still in y/n's  

" Y/n Y/l/n , would you take for lawfully husband Mattheo Riddle , in wealth as in poverty, in health as in sickness, in joy as in misfortune, and this, until death do part you? "

" Yes , I do " She answered softly , still not looking away 

" So , well I declare you wife and husband . You may kiss the bride "

I didn't hear must , I grabbed her hand , brought her closer to me and kiss her passionetely . She immediatly kissed back , it was perfect , she was perfect .

.................................... Many hours later ...............................

It was midnight , her and I were slowly dancing  under the moonlight . This day was the better day of my life . I've married Y/n . I've married the girl I loved.

I whispered quietly next to her ear :

" Y/n ? "

" Yes , Mattheo ? "

" I love you Y/n Riddle , more than everything "

She smiled

" And I love you too Mattheo Riddle , very much more than everything ."

....................................................... To be continued ........................................................

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