Chapter 16

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Y/n's pov

I woke up in the morning, my head against Mattheo's chest. I lifted my gaze and saw him sleeping. He looked so peacefully and beautiful.

Seeing him like this made my heart melted, it reminded me so much memories. Before all of this, we used to sleep together when we were afraid of our father. In others words, very often.

When I thought about last, I first smiled. It was amazing but then I panicked. What was I going to do now.

I knew I couldn't be with him, even if he wanted it too, which wasn't sure. I still didn't know about his feelings.

I knew I was madly and irrevocably in love with him but, even after last night, I didn't know if he was too.

Then, I thought about Theodore, he was my boyfriend after all. Of course, I wasn't going to tell him, but still. He was kind, he made a lot of efforts when he learnt we were engaged.

I even was starting to really like him. Not like I loved Mattheo but I couldn't betrayed him like this, mostly if he was going to be my husband.

I stood up, against my will, silently to not wake up him. I picked up my clothes, dressed up and, after looked at him one last time, I opened the door and left his dorm.

I ran to my dorm , I only saw Anna's bed empty and Pansy in hers , but there was someone with her , it was Blaise . Anna was probably in Draco's dorm if Blaise was here . I smile . The four of them were meant to be .

I dressed up in silence in my uniform , and came out , going to the library . I needed some time alone to think about the things which have just hapened last time . All the student were still sleeping so I was alone in the library , so I was alone .

I sat in a armchair and started thinking . Even if last night was the best night of my whole life , I couldn't help but feeling guilty towards Theodore . I couldn't tell him , I couldn't tell anyone . Then I realized , I slept with my half-brother .

Fuck , how could I have done this . I couldn't carry on this madness. I had to talk Mattheo , tell him we couldn't do this . It had to stop , even if we didn't want to . I was the girlfriend and the fiancee of Theodore , his soon-to-be wife .

While thinking , I felt a tear rolling on my cheeks . I hadn't cry since many years but the unfainess of the situation was killing me in the inside . But all of this had to stop.

I took a book , and tried to change my mind .

Mattheo's pov

I woke up , and see my bed empty . Was all of this a dream ? But the smell of the her on the sheets proved me it wasn't . She left me , I thought , immediatly missing the feeling of her against me .

I stood up and dressed myself . We had to talk . We couldn't just play this game anymore. I came out of my dorm and walked in the corridor of the dormitory's when I heard some noises . In the corner of a window , I saw a boy and a girl shagging .

I was about to turn around and go through another path when I recognized the boy . It was the Nott boy , Theodore the fucking boyfriend and fiancé of y/n . And he was here , fucking a ravenclaw girl .

This liar who was so lovely with y/n was eating on her in a hallways at 6 am. I had to restain to not just beat the shit out of him .

" What about the Riddle girl ?" I heard the girl asked to Theodore

" She's nothing , don't worry about her " he answered

Fuck , I should have kill this bastard , but first I had to tell y/n . After , I would be able to crucio him. I turned around , walked for a minute , looking for her , when I saw a door open . Theodore's dorm .He shared his dorm with Berkshore but he wasn't here .

I don't know why but I came in and made my way to the desk . It was a mess but I saw several letters from his father . I also saw a letter he just wrote . I started reading it .

" Father ,

The Riddle girl came today to me to talk about our engagement . I told her to be my girlfriend and she has accepted . I will watch her until the wedding .This stupid girl will be a member of our family and will obey to us , be sure of it .

Theodore "

I felt my blood boils in my veins . This bastard thought he could own y/n . She was mine . She wasn't going to obey to him or his bloody family . She wasn't even going to marry him when I would tell her about this .

She has always been independant and , when she will know about those letters and her fucking shitty cheater of boyfriend , she's going to kill him , if I haven't already did it .

I heard someone coming so I appared in the great Hall . I needed to tell her know , I knew she would be in the library , that was the place she always went , went she was alone .

I didn't take the letters but I was certain that she was going to trust me immediatly and that I didn't need any proofs . After all , she has always did ..............................

....................................................... To be continued  ....................................

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