Chapter 24

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Mattheo's pov

The death eater threw her on the ground in the room . I ran to help her but my father stopped me . Y/n looked at me , terrified . My heart was bleeding , seeing her suffering was the worst thing I could see.

" Well , look like you can't escape from me " My father started , slowly approaching her . " What a stupid girl , can't obey , can't shut up , can't do anything ..."

He used a spell to make a lift her head to face him. 

" such an useless creature , and yet you think you can defeat me " 

I looked at the face of y/n , she was burning of rage but still terrified . After all , my father , truly was terrying , even for us , " his children" , but then , I remembered that she wasn't her daughter.

What was he going to do with her ? Every muscle in my body was petrified with fear and anger . How dared he talk to her like this . 

I would have tortured him at this right moment , but I wasn't powerful enough , all I could do was hurt him a little but he would kill me right after .

" You could have just shut your mouth , and listen to me , but you had to act like the foolish child you are " 

While he was talking , I saw y/n grab her wand 

" AVADA K- "

" Expelliarmus " my father cut her , and sent her wand flying across the room . " You really think you can kill me , I 'M THE MOST POWERFULL WIZARD OF THE ALL THE TIMES NO ONE CAN DEFEAT ME "

Y/n slowly stood up 

" You're not and you're afraid , afraid of me , afraid cause you know I can defeat you and I will " she coldly said .

" No you won't , cause you're nothing " my father contradicted , a frightening smile on the corner of his lips 

" CRUCIO " he yelled , lifting his wand in front of her .

I couldn't let him hurt her , the next thing I knew was me throwing myself between them and pain running over my entire body . Like a million knifes stabbing me evrywhere , I couldn't even think .

Then , after what looked like hours , the pain finally stopped . Y/n ran to me and hugged me . I hugged the tighter I could , her smell immediatly brought me relief.


I didn't control anything anymore , I stood up and faced him .


His gaze immediately changed from anger to a definitively most terrying expression , he smiled , a devilish smile . I hugged y/n closer to me .

" Oh , I see , you love her " he laughed coldly 

" yes.. " I muttered , still glaring at him 

" And I suppose she love you too ? " he asked still sneering 

" yes , I love him " y/n answered , gazing at him 

" Look at that , she love him too " he sneered . He came closer to us , I grabbed y/n's hand and stepped back . He looked at me

" But your my son Mattheo , my flesh and blood , even though love was there you couldn't feel it , we can't love Mattheo , we can't feel anything , never " he told me 

Yeah , that's what I though at first , I wasn't suppose to be able to fell love , but y/n , y/n made me feel love , she was the only one and she would always be the only one .

" YOU don't know what love is and YOU will never know . I'm not like you and I love her ." i looked at him deep in the eyes.

" Love is nothing but a weakness , son ."

" You're wrong love is everything , and I pity you who will never feel it " 

" You pity me ? " he laughed " You pity me but I'm the most powerfull wizard because I have no weakness . No one . And that , my son , is everything . "

" But no one care about you , no one love you , you're alone and when you'll die , you'll be alone " y/n told him

" But I'll never die , no one will ever defeat me , and no matter if one cares about me or love me , they will submit and obey me , like you will Mattheo " he sternly said 

I had to protect her , make sure she'd be safe . To every price , only her mattered to me .

" I will obey you and do anything you want , forever , if you promise you won't do anything to her and let her live her life "  I proposed 

Y/n grabbed my hand and squeezed it . 

" No , Mattheo , don't do this please " she begged me , tears in the corner of her eyes 

" shut darling , it's gonna be okay " I told her sofltly , kissing her on the forehead

We both looked back at my father , in front of us .He looked like he was thinking about what I had just say . He started walking toward us .

" That's a fair proposition , son , but you seemed to have forgot something "

He came closer to me and whispered near to my ear :

" you must not have any weakness " 

I froze and saw him raise his wand


A green light appeared .

I saw y/n's body fell on the ground , lifeless . I screamed until I felt my lungs empty . Tears flowed down my face . I knelt next to her .


Minutes were passing but she didn't woke up . She was dead , she was dead and she would never come back .

I , weakly stroke her , now so pale , cheek whispering :

" Please , y/n come back I need you I love you ..."

But it was useless . She was gone , gone . I would never see her again , hug her again , kiss her again , see her smile again , hear her voice again. I had lost her forever .....

.............................................. To be continued .............................................

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