Chapter 6

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Mattheo's pov

She left me and I stood there . Not able to do something . I immediatly missed the feeling of her lips on mine . My mind was such a mess. Of course I loved to kiss her but it felt so wrong.

And when she ran away , it just broke my heart ..

But she has liked or , at least , enjoyed the kiss. I knew it . The moan she let out betrayed her sensations. This moan .... damn it drove me crazy..

I started make my way to my dorm , thinking about what just happened . I came in my dorm and locked myself . I didn't share my dorm with no one , advantage of being the scary Mattheo Riddle . I quite liked that , in reality , because I could be alone with no one to annoyed me with their presence .

I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss . I dreamt about it so many times but I never thought it would really happened . But now it had .

The more I thought about it, the more I told myself that it hadn't completely displeased her, otherwise she would have directly rejected me. 

Honestly , it more looked like she was hopping for this to happen , like if she wanted this ...

The assumption that maybe she could feel the same as me suddenly burst into my head. After all , if I felt in love with her why couldn't she ?

So , as twisted as it sounds , I decided something . I wasn't sure of her feelings about me so I had to find out . 

She always has been a little bit possessive and jealous , even if she tried to hide it , I was the only personn to know it . 

So , if I was right and she loved me , seeing me with another girl would made her very mad. I know , it was madness , trying to make my half-sister jealous to know if she really loved me , god it sounded so wrong .

But I had to know so I decided that the next day, I was going to put my plan into action.....

I lay down in my bed and, after long minutes, I managed to fall asleep, without being able to stop myself from thinking about her.

Y/n 's pov

I woke up and looked at the clock . 9.40 am . I looked at the Annas and Pansys beds . They were sleeping .They looked so tired . I knew I should have woke up them but I couldn't because of how peacefully they looked .

So I dressed myself , took my bag and went out of my dorm carefully to not woke up my friends. I had potions class with Snape , damn he was going to kill me for being late , even if I was a slytherin .

I knocked at the door and then I heard Snape voice's telling me to come in .

I came in and excused myself for being late : " Sorry professor , I overslept " .

" This better not gonna happen again " he said . 

I nodded and went to the middle of the classroom , to sat at my usual table , which was empty because of Anna and Pansy not being here with me .

The lesson continued . I was taking notes .I started remember about the events of last night when I felt a gaze on me . I turned around and my eyes met dark brown eyes . Mattheo's .

My breath stopped but I couldn't looked away .His gaze hypnotized me . I finally looked away when I heard someone calling me  quietly.

" psss y/n , y/n " Theodore said trying to catch my attention

" humm , yes ? " I answered

" Do you want to meet me at the Black lake at 6 pm ? "

I couldn't help but quickly looked at Mattheo , knowing he heard Theodore . I saw how much it irritated him. I didn't know why but , at this moment , it lokked like a very good idea to make him angry .

" Of course , Theodore , I would be very happy " I answered smiling at him 

I saw Mattheo clench his fists , it was my revenge for him kissing me , confusing me . Well , in reality I was now quite used to his fucking lunatic moods .

Then , I saw him writing something on a paper an throwing it at a girl , at Lydia-littleslut-Wickham. She opened the note and giggled while reading it and then , looked at Mattheo and nodded , smiling like the idiot she was .

My anger could probably be seen on my face because I saw him smirked,  looking at me out of the corner of his eye. What was he doing , trying to make me jealous ? Did he understand ? 

A lot of questions were running into my head but I decided to stop thinking about it. Once again , he wanted to play and , once again we were going to play even if I didn't really know what kind of game it was , how to win or what price would receive the winner .

Then , class was dimissed so I went to my dorm to see my friends who were probably awake , and mad at me to let them sleep .

 I came in my dorm and saw them dressed them with haste . I chuckled and they looked at me .

" Y/n , damn why didn't you wake up us ?" Anna said

" sorry but you looked like you hadn't sleep since a while so I prefered let you sleep " I answered

" Okay but next time , please awake us " Pansy said 

I nodded , they finished getting ready and the three of us went to the slytherin common room .

There were a lot of student but I immediatly saw a familiar dark haired boy with a blond girl giggling , sat on his lap .

Anna noticed it and asked me , furrowing her eyebrows " Is your brother dating Lydia ? I thought he didn't like her " 

" Apparently not anymore " i said trying to keep my cool.*

..................................................... To be continued  ..........................................................

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