Chapter 23

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Mattheo's pov

I woke in the morning without the feeling of the y/n's warm body against me . I got up and groaned . I loved so much woke up with her in my arms.

It's been one week since the whole mess . The most amazing week in my life . We stayed together almost all the time , like before , but , this time , I didn't have to lie to her about my feelings .

She slept everytime with me , in my dorm , I could kiss before falling asleep and when woking up. She made the emptiness in me left . She was my everything  and I knew she would always be.

I was dressing up when my head suddently hurted like hell . I knew what it meant . My father was calling me . The rare times he called y/n and me it was never good so I felt very stressed and anxious .

I grabbed my wand appeared in the Riddles manor , but y/n wasn't here . It was extremely strange because my father always called both of us , never only one . I came in the meetings room and saw my father , standing in front of the fireplace .

Before I even talked , he turned around :

" Mattheo , my boy , come here , sit with me , I have to talk to you " he told me in a cold voice like always when he was talking to someone , but this time I had a strange feeling .

I get closer to him and sat on an armchair next to the fireplace .

" Yes , father ? " I asked 

" 15 years ago , I have been informed of a prophecy which predicted my end . " he started

Puzzled , I nodeed " Yeah and I suppose you took care of this ? "

" Yes I have indeed . The prophecy predicted that a child born on august would deafeat me ."

" Yeah , I know it's the prophecy about Potter , isn't it ? " I asked , already knowing about this.

" No, the prophecy about the Potter boy is a random prophecy whil the one I'm talking to you about is ols , very old , almost ancestral . In comparison ,Harry Potter is not even such a bit problem " he said looking at the fireplace .

He looked more scaring than usual , if it was even possible . Since always , there only was two things which scared me : one was my father and the most important and worst was the idea of losing Y/n .

" So , what did you do about the child of the prophecy ? " 

" It took me a long time before finding who it was , but , as you know my son , I always achieve my ends , so I found it and send someone to bring it to me . When he came back , he had a now-orphan-baby in his arms . He give to me " he paused

" And you kill it , I guess ? "

The cold expression in his eyes grew up immediatly.

" I had planned to do it but the man said something . The baby , when it'll grow up , would be extremely powerful , so having it by my side would be a precious advantage . He was right . She was destined to be powerful " 

I didn't understand at first , then something hitted me . But it couldn't be possible . So I asked :

" W- What happened to the child ? " I tried to hide the anxiety in my voice and the suttering.

He looked at me for a moment , his cold blue eyes piercing in my soul .

" The man suggested me to raise her like she was my daughter , which I did. During 16 years she lived thinking she was my daughter " 

I got up , not able to say anything , all my childhood had been lied . Y/n wasn't my sister . A feeling of relief crossed my body . She wasn't my fucking half-sister . I felt more happy than I never felt , except when I kissed her or was next to her .

Bur , immediatly , reality caught up with me . She was the subject of a prophecy. A prophecy which predicted she would defeat my father , so even , if he raised her so control her power to use them in his advantadge , she was in danger .

" D-Does she know about this ? " I managed to say

" During 16 years she never knew but this morning , she came to me and told me she knew about all of this "

My whole body shivered . Y/n . I had to know if she was safe . She was the only thing I cared about .

" and what did you do ? "

" She's a precious weapon so I told her that it didn't change anything and that she was weak , which is true , she had never trained to fight me . But this foolish girl took advantage of the fact that I had my back to her and  casted a spell. She tried to kill me but I stopped her . "

" were is she now ? I tried to say witout showing my auguish .

" She appeared before I could take care of her ." 

I almost sigh of relaxation . She was safe and it was all that mattered to me . Her being safe .

But then my father stood up with a terrifying look on his face .

" But nobody can tried to kill me and then run away without suffering the consequences."

The doors brutally opened and I saw her , Y/n . A death eater was grabbing her wrist with one hand , keeping her wand in his other hand .

" Found her , my Lord "

.............................................. To be continued ......................................................

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