Chapter 28

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Y/n's pov

My suppositions were true . Potter get a lot of friends. At first he was sceptical  to the idea of me and Mattheo helping him and so we took veritaserum so we couldn't lie and explained everything about our father and how to defeat him.

I didn't have a precise idea but my rage was big enough to destroy all the death eaters and him . Potter called some people , they were a quite a lot actually . Something called " The order of the phoenix ". 

Then , some of Harry's friend , other than Weasley and Granger joined . They wanted to fight too. Immediatly all the griffindors approached us . The new went to the others houses dorms and ravenclaws, hufflepuffs and slytherins came to joined us too

All the students were determinated to defeat the dark which took control of the school and wizarding world. They were all angry and ready to affront Voldemort and his followers .

Potter was hidenning from Voldemort as I was . So we made a plan .Take him by surprise .I dressed with my normal slytherin uniform and robe . Harry did the same with his gryffindor robe.

Then all the students went to the great hall , Harry and I were hidden in the crowd . I was holding Mattheo's hand .He hold mine as tight as possible . He was as anxious as me . Confronted him was dangerous , we were both afraid but tried to be courageous .

It was my destiny as much as we were meant to be together. We entered the great all and I sat with mattheo at the middle of the slytherin table with our friends. My heart was beating like a drum in my chest .

Snape was standing where Dumbledore used to stand before he get murdered by Voldemort when he took control of Hogwarts. Death eaters were standing with the proffesors who haven't be killed . Then , Voldemort came in the great hall , everybody stood up as he usually wanted them  to.

I came next to snape and start talking to the crowd of people.

" Dear Children , I've heard some dipleasants talks . About Harry potter being in Hogwarts or some students having decided to ...well... a shame to say ..... fight me ? " He laughed , with a devilish look on his face , that made me and Mattheo shivered

" You have to know that helping the potter boy or wanting to stupid . " He started to get more angry " NO ONE HERE HAS THE POWER TO DEFEAT MANY . ANY EFFORT YOU WOULD DO ANY TRY YOU WOULD GIVE IS USELESS " 

I had to do it , it now or never. I let go Mattheo's hand and stood up .

" You are wrong , I have the power to defeat you and you know this . This is the reason you tried to kill me . Because you fear me and you always have . The only problem in all of this is that you have failed "

He looked at me like he would have look at a ghost but then , anger filled his gaze.

All the death eaters stood up , lifting their wands and then all the students did the same , standing against them while Harry and Mattheo came next to me . The doors opened ans the order of the phoenix entered the haul .

Immediatly , spells have been casted , students against death eaters , Mattheo and I against Voldemort . Harry told me he has detroyed all the horcruxes except one , Niagini , his snake so he was now almost mortal . It was my chance to kill him. I just had to wait the right moment when they would detroy the last one .

I stood right in front of me , Mattheo by my side .

Voldemort looked at us ans then said :

" My own son , betrayed me , fighting me for a stupid girl who should be dead and will be soon . You shouldn't have come back Y/n , now I will kill you but this time , there will be not come back for you " he shouted catsing spells at me and Mattheo.

People were fighting around us . I heard screams , sobbs , bodies fell on the ground .. But I couldn't stop to help them , I had to kill him first , after this , everything would stop.

"CRUCIO" I heard 

And then I fell on my knees , feeling pain like i've never feel before . Like a billion of sharp knifes stabbing all over my body again and again . I screamed beggin for it to stop .

"RICTUS SEMPRA " I heard Mattheo yell. The pain stopped and I finally took a breath  and stood up .

" Y/n tell me you're ok " mattheo asked me 

I nodded and , feeling my rage grew bigger if it was even possible I started casting so many spells that I made Voldemort step back until we were outside of the castle . Mattheo and me started to feel exhausted but he had to continue until we kill him.

" EXPELLIARMUS " . Mattheo's wand flew to the other side of the yard. Voldemort then threw a spell to make him fall on the ground . Even with all my effort he managed to make me fall too.

Then , with a devilish expression on his face he came closer of both of us .

" Here we are my children , standing against me was stupid , came back was stupier and thinking you could kill me , even with a prophecy telling this , was foolish . You can't kill me but I can kill you and I will " he looked at mattheo

" My flesh and blood , a shame , a traitor you've made your choice my boy , and you lost , so shall you die too "

Tears starting bead in the corner of my eyes . I took Mattheo's hand and looked deep in his eyes .

He mouthed " I love you y/n " 

I hold his hand as tight as possible , mouthing him " I love you too " . 

We are going to die , together , like we've always lived .

Then , I felt Voldemort yell in pain , the last horcruxes had been killed , he was now mortal , the spell stopped and I and Mattheo stood up still holding each others hand . I raised my hand .

Voldemort was weaker than ever and all the flashback from my childhood came in my mind . 

He beated us , he yelled at us , he crucioed us , he manipulated us , he killed my parents , he lied to us , he used me , he tried to kill me and kill Mattheo.

" You'll never hurt us again , AVADA KEDAVRA "

The spell hit him and he fell on his knees , his skin slowly decomposing and deissapearing in the air .

That's it. That's finish . All of it ..

...................................... To be continued ..................................

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