Chapter 2

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y/n's pov

My brother .....

In reality half-brother , both of us were Voldemort's children but we hadn't the same mother , our mothers were two purebloods witches which were used by Voldemort , because he needed children , to assure the Riddles bloodline .

 So he was my half-brother . Wait .What was I saying ? Brother or half-brother , it's the same , right ?! Right ?

Anyways , Mattheo and I have always be close to each other since we were children. Always playing with each other , well , actually causing trouble . 

We were best friends and we grew up together He was the most important personn in my life .

But last year , he looked more distant , he talked to me less and less . Step by step , he started avoided my presence or my gaze . At first , I didn't understand and tried to talk to him . But he kept avoiding all form of conversation with me.

I cried so much , asking myself what I done wrong . Without him , my life semmed so bad . Without him , I wasn't happy . But despite my best efforts to know the reason of his remotness , he never takled to me anymore . 

At first , I was so hurt . But , after a month , I started to began to live again , without him.

Now , our only contacts were eyes-contacts . Nothing more . But I was missing him so much. His presence , his talks , his voice , his gaze on me , his laugh , his beautiful brown eyes .... 

We have always been best friends , we even were siblings but ... I couldn't help but think about all the details about him.

Were siblings suppoded to think about each other this way ? was this because I'm was missing him to much ? Or was I ... like... in love with him ?? No , I wasn't , I couldn't . It would be outrageous .

 I meant , he was my half-brother , we had almost the same blood , I couldn't be him love with him .

But I was. God , I couldn't even imagined how much he would be disgusted if he knew. And my friends too . I couldn't think about what they would think if they knew. I had to keep it secret ... from everybody.

" y/n , we have arrived " Anna said and smiled.

I came back to reality and saw my friends get up , went to the corridor and stopped , waiting for me . I get up and followed them . After half an hour , we finally have arrived at Hogwarts .

We all sat in the great hall , to watched the sorting ceremony of yhe first years , what was quite boring honestly . Then the feast began and me and my friends started to talk and laugh together. It was the first I laughed since two months .

 It was good to be back , I missed this place . I loved my home but , without Mattheo with me every moment, I felt so alone .

Thoughing of him , my eyes started searching him in the crowd in the Slytherin table . I finally saw him , sitting alone . He looked worried . Suddently , he lifted his gaze on me and met mine.

 Our eyes looked deep in each others during many seconds which looked like they were forever .

I finally looked away , feeling myself starting blushing. I couldn't let him see that. Dumbledore , then , authorized us to go to our dorms . I was sharing mine with Pansy and Anna which was great . they were my best friends and our trio was quite famed at Hogwarts.

We were always in trouble or in parties but it was so fun . They were perfect friends and I tried to be one too. The three of us came into our dorm and started unpack our things . 

Then , we sat on our beds and started our traditional post-summer-holidays talk.

" Sooooo , how are you girls " Anna asked 

" By this , you mean , Were there any boys during the summer? " Pansy laughed

" of course " 

She turned to me and said " y/n how was you summer ? Did you find a crush or a boyfriend maybe ? " she winked at me

Once again , I uncontrollably started blushing . I couldn't tell them anything even if I wanted. So I just answered 

" No , no boys for me and for you ? " 

They started talking about their summers and the boys they have seen and hanging out with. While listening to them , I was thinking about Mattheo .I needed to talk to him . At leats , I needed to try again .

I even started thinking that he could possibly being feeling the same thing than me and being afraid to that . " No , no ,no y/n" , I said to myself " Don't start thinking such stupids things . He would never feel what you felt . Only you is as much stupid to fell in love with your half-sibling."

.............................. To be continued ..............................

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