Chapter 20

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Y/n 's pov

" The August born child will defeat the darkness" the green light said. Then, I saw spells casted and then " AVADA KEDAVRA" and I heard bodies hurtled the ground.
Then, a man with a baby in his hand looked hesitant. He looked at the baby and said " What are we going to do with you, if we don' t kill you already"

I woke up brutally gasping for air, another nightmare, like every night since a week. Even thought I didn't know that they mean.

Since Mattheo's and I last talk . But anyways, they were just nightmares.

Even after the days and doing my best to smile and live without Mattheo, I still could feel a lack in my chest.

He spent the entire week, with the Wickham girl stuck to him. I looked away almost every time I saw them together.

He pushed me away and ordered me to leave, I couldn't do anything. I tried to continue my normal life but every night, I fell asleep crying.

I usually didn't cry, but he was the only one who could make me cry. The one I loved more than my proper life.

I've been avoiding him as much as I could. Him, on the other hand, didn't seem to care about me. The acted like if I didn't exist. Not avoiding me, not talking to me, not looking at me.

I was doing my best to keep him out of my mind, but how could I, he was the one I was in love with.

Pansy and Anna suddenly pulled me out off my thoughts.

" Hurry up y/n or we're gonna be late in potions"

I dressed and went with them to the great hall. Because of the nightmares I wasn't feeling good, I haven't really sleep since a long time.

We went to the potions class. I was to tired to been concentred on the whole avoiding Mattheo stuff so I directly looked at him.

He was sit with the Wickham hoe. She was stuck at him, he didn't speak but she couldn't shut her mouth, giggling like the idiot she was.

But an idiot being able to talk to Mattheo, to stay with Mattheo, something I couldn't do anymore.

During the lesson, I couldn't help but thinking about him, about us. What us y/n? He rejected you and he was your half brother.

The only view of the Wickham's hand on Mattheo's burnt me like fire. All this was my fault, how could I been so stupid?

While the other students were listening to the lesson, I was remembering all the moments with Mattheo. Our childhood together.

When we were afraid of our father, just still reassuring each other, consoling each other, hugging each other, laughing with each other, hugging each other...

Tears began to bead at the corner of my eyes, I tried to hold up them but I just couldn't. I felt so alone, so stupid.

I couldn't help but looking in front of me, seeing Wickham leaning toward Mattheo, whispering something in his ear.

All of this had to stop. I suddenly stood up and left the class, not able to hold my tears anymore.

I went to the Astronomy tower and sat on the floor. I let my tears and sobs.

Minutes were passing and I started to calm but I heart a noise coming from the door. Then I saw him. Standing here. Looking at me.

I didn't say nothing. He sighed soflty but it didn't look he was annoyed by me, more than if he was hesitant to come to me.

He slowly came toward me and knelt next to me.

" What's going on Y/n, tell me please "

I took a deep breath and looked at him in the eyes. I couldn't lie to him and I had to talk to him, make him understand how much I missed him.
I started :

"Used to steal out parents liquor and climb to the roof, talk about our future like we had a clue. Never planned that one day I'll be losing you.

In another life I would be your girl. We 'd keep all the promises, be us against the world.
In another life, I would make you stay, so I don' t have to say you were, the one that got away ".

He left my chin with two fingers, connecting his eyes with mine.

" y/n... "

" I love you Mattheo, I'm so sorry, I should have believe you, I always should have believed you "

The next thing I felt was his lips crushing on mine and his arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

My whole body relaxed to his touch. I didn't know what was happening but didn't care. I ran my hand throughout his hair.

We stopped kissing, needing air. I looked deep in his dark eyes

" I'm sorry Mattheo I -" I started to say

He put a finger on my lips, silencing me.

" I know y/n don't worry it's okay. Everything's okay, I'm here" he said, hugging me tighter.

His smell instantanly soothing me.

" Listen, I'm sorry I shouldn't have yell at you like this. He's a bastard but you didn't do anything" He told me

" No, I was stupid, I should have believed you"

" I don't care, I forgive you, the rest doesn't matter"

I sighed in relief. He helped me to stand up and took my hand.

" Listen to me Y/n, I love you, I love more than my life and I always will, never doubt about it" He said only a few inches from me.

This time, it was me kissing him. Our tongues played with each other's. It was perfect. Perfect for me.

Still wrong, of course, he was my half-brother. But this kiss deserved to end in hell. All of me could end up in hell I didn't care cause being with him was the only reason of my life.

I didn't sleep since a week and he has seen it so he gently took my hand again and led me to his dorm.

He carried me to his bed and cuddled with me, playing with my hair while I felt asleep.

Everything was perfect, well that was what i thought ...........

.......................... To be continued ..................

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