Chapter 21

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Y/n's pov

It has been two days since the potions class. Two perfect days, sleeping in Mattheo's dorm, cuddling with him, kissing him.

Two days, hanging out with him in secret, telling my friend I was going to the library. The two most amazing days of my life, Mattheo was perfect, he was so comforting and loving.

I didn't talk to Theodore since one week , since all of this. I didn't mind , I didn't want to talk to him at all . I didn't want to talk to him again , never .

This morning , I was randomly walking in the empty hallways when suddently my vision blurred , I grabbed the wall to try to not fall on the ground , unsuccesfully . I fell on the ground , a voice started talking in my head and pictures started taking place in my mind.

" The August born child will defeat the darkness" the green light said. I heard people screaming , spell casted and bodys hurting the ground . Then , my vision blurted again and I saw a man , standing here , stooping to pick up a baby and holding it in his arm .

" Such wasted lifes for such a little thing . What are we going to do with you ? " he said to the baby " If we don't kill you already "

Then , the place changed. I saw Voldemort standing there with the man , who handed him the baby. " for you my Lord , like you wanted "  the man said .

" Well , well , it's been a long time since I wanna do this " he raised him wand " AVADA KA- "  

" My Lord , wait " the man interrupted " What ? " Voldemort asked angrily .

" If I may , my lord , it could help our cause  the green light said. Voldemort  looked at the baby for a moment " Then , what do you suggest ? " he asked " You could raise it like if it was your child , never tell it about the prophecy , raise it like a Riddle , raise it to help us and then , we could use its power to our advantage . This child's powerful yes , but if it's a death eater , it gonna help you , not defeat you " The man explained 

Voldemort seemed to think for a few moments what the man had just said . After several minutes of silence : " Alright , she'll stay " he handed the baby to the man . " Took it to the Riddle manor , place it in the next room than my son " The man nodded .

He was ready to go when Voldemort asked him " What is this little creature's name ? " " Her name is Y/n , my Lord " and he left. 

My vision returned to normal but I couldn't even stand up . What was that ? All of this ? Was it real ? No , it couldn't be ?

My mind was a mess .The first thing I wanted to do was to see if all of this was true or not . I ran to the library , it was empty , and went to the restricted section . It wasn't my first time there so I knew there was a book where all the prophecys would be found.

I opened the book and browsed the pages and suddently , stopped on a page . My face froze , in shock .  " The August born child will defeat the darkness " . I was born on August the 17th . 

I sat on the ground , still in shock , not able to do anything else . I've been lied to all my life. My father wasn't my real father , he killed my parents , so Mattheo , Mattheo wasn't my half brother ...

Mattheo , I suddently though , I had to tell him , he had to know . I finally stoop up and ran to the dorms but then , I stopped .

No , I had to talk to Voldemort in first . Anger boiling in my heart . He's not my father . He has beat Mattheo and me during all our childhood and he wasn't even my father . He has my parents killed .

At this exact moment , I wanted nothing else than kill him . I wanted revenge for the lies and all the things he did to Mattheo and me thoughout our lifes , the choices he imposed on us , the blows he gave us , the orders he yelled at us .

I ran in the castle ,  imping into people , but I didn't care . I went to my dorm , grabbed my wand and apparated in the Riddle's manor .

I walked to the room where meetings took place . I passed in front of my room and Mattheo's one . I stopped one minutes . All the memories came out . The nights spent together when we were children and afraid of Voldemort .

Also the nights of this summer , crying , asking myself why Mattheo kept avoiding me , why I was in love with him even if he was my half brother ....

But he wasn't my half brother . This though was so strange and unbelieble yet fantastical that I would have been incredibly happy if I haven't to confronted Voldemort , the dark Lord himself , the one who , according to the prophecy , I had to defeat .

I entered in the room of the meetings . All the death eaters , except Mattheo were sat at the table.

" Everyone out " I ordered coldly

They looked afraid , they always have been especially afraid towars me , but I had never understand why , now I knew . Voldemort nodded and they all left . The last one has just came out when he said :

" Y/n , my child what are y- "

" Shut up , I'm not your child "

Falling for himМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя