Ch 48-Brother, is that you ?

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Fubuki clamped her teeth around Raiko's neck and her claws on each side of Raiko's head before she pulled on each side which separated his head into two-part. She lifted the head and showed it to every enemy before she burned it and his body making sure that he died. After that the remaining enemies were killed, none of them deserved to be taken, prisoner. After that Fubuki approached her mother who had one of Warden's jackets on her to hide her naked body. Fubuki transformed back in her human form and checked her mother for any injuries, when she found none she hugged her mother tightly crying and exhausted.

Fubuki: *crying* mother thanks God you're okay...i-i was so scared

Midorina: *smiling with a tear falling* it's thanks to you sweetie that I am alive

Warden: *smile sadly* your mother is were able to save her and I can't thank you enough for that *turn to Midorina* please forgive me dear I wanted to save you I swear

Midorina: *smile and kiss Warden* I know love and I forgive you

Warden: *put his arms around Midorina's waist* thank you...*notice that her stab wound is still bleeding*...wait you're still bleeding, we need to-wait lost your powers?

Midorina: * smiles sadly* it seems so dear...I can't feel my wolf anymore...I'm not feeling really good *faint*

Warden: Love! *carry Midorina bridal style* Fubuki go back to Y/n, I have a feeling that what happened here was merely a distraction!

Fubuki: a-are you sure!? And mother, is she going to be okay?!

Warden: yes I promise to you that she will be okay alright so now go sweetie *run to the hospital* DOCTOR! DOCTOR! I NEED HELP!

Fubuki turned around and ran toward the house that she, the other princesses, and Y/n are sharing.

Fubuki:*exhausted* ( please be okay Y/n...I beg of you...I won't forgive myself if you leave me!)

(3rd POV)

In a forest near the kitsune's village, sounds of fighting could be heard while thunder and fire could be seen flying around. After a moment someone got launched into a tree making said tree fall and dust rise. The person grunted and got up glaring at the other person in front of them. When the dust settled Linnae was glaring at the person with a clown mask, she dusted herself off and ignited once again a flame in her right hand.

Linnae: I will give you one more chance to stand down...if you do so I will spare you and you won't be sentenced harshly.


Linnae: *growl* tch then die!

Linnae rushed the mysterious person and tried to spin kick him but he grabbed her leg and sweeps Linnae's legs trying to make her fall. But Linnae caught up on her hands and pushed herself towards him, slamming her feet into his abdomen making him fly into a tree.

Linnae: *grin* did you hear the saying "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"?


Linnae: *look at his metallic arm*...

The mysterious person rushed Linnae while she was distracted and slammed a flame that he created in his hands in Linnae's side making her shout in pain. The mysterious person seemed to flinch but he didn't stop, he lifted his feet hitting her chin before he lifted it above her head and brought it down, slamming her on the ground. Linnae stopped moving and ??? took that as a sign that she was out cold, so he turned around and started to walk away. He couldn't go far because Linnae grabbed his ankles and made him fall on the ground, once he fell, Linnae got on his back and started to take off his mask but before she could he slammed his head back in hers making her let go of him and hold her nose in pain.
Linnae's POV

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