Ch 50-I Will End It Where It All Begun

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Carmilla: *deep and threatening voice* you will pay for what you did...I will kill you

She then once again waved her hand around and as the spears were going to make contact with his head something ran in front of her and punched her making her fly into a wall. However she quickly reacted and created more blood spears and pointed them toward the stranger and Lapris, but to her surprise, nobody was there anymore, Fin's head and body also disappeared.

(You can stop the music now)

She was going to chase them when a pained groan made its way to her ear and she remembered her father. She ran to him, picked him up making sure to not hurt him more than he already was, and ran inside with him. Once she entered she saw that every enemy was killed and the guards were pointing their weapon at Carmilla but relaxed once she saw that it was her. She quickly shouted to the guards to get a doctor and once she was sure that her father was in good hands she ran to where Y/n's camp was.

Carmilla: ( I have a really bad feeling...please tell me I'm wrong...if something happened to Y/n or Mika, I would chase the ones that hurt her even if they were on the other side of the fucking world! Don't worry both of you, I'm coming back! )

(3rd POV)

In Y/n's camp, people could be seen fighting everywhere, blood and tears were shed, fire and smoke could be seen coming out of many houses. In all this chaos two people were fighting and destroying everything in their path, those two people were Y/n in her vampire form and "Mister. H". "Mister. H" ran at Y/n trying to punch her throat but she dodged him before she spun on herself and delivered a devastating kick to his stomach sending him flying straight into a house. But Y/n didn't have time to breathe because he ran at her again except this time he feinted a kick on her stomach which Y/n dodged however that's what he wanted because as soon as she did that, he grabbed her face and spun on himself before he slammed her into a tree. "Mister. H" didn't stop here, he kept his hands around Y/n's neck and tightened them, choking Y/n but she didn't let it happen, she transformed into her full dragon form which forced him to let go of her neck. She then transformed in her half-human half-dragon form and quickly rushed him, punching him repeatedly while he either dodged or blocked her hits but what he didn't saw was Y/n's tail that had been stabbed in his back, making him shout in pain and try to take a step back. But Y/n didn't let him do that, she grabbed him in her arms and folded her wings around them before she flew high in the sky. Once they were high enough, she let go of him letting him fall to the ground, her white spikes finally became black, she roared loudly gaining the attention of many enemies and allies alike before she dived straight at "Mister. H" with incredible speed, ramming and stabbing him before slamming him in the ground with her spike and weight. She then transformed back into her human form and looked warily at the smoke that was created when she slammed him on the ground.

Suddenly someone got out of the smoke with incredible speed and slammed Y/n in the ground by her throat. That someone was "Mister. H" but he was in his vampire form, he smirked at her and whispered in her ear.

"Mister. H": *whisper* I know a place where we will be alone with no one bothering us *smirk*
(Y/n POV)

I didn't have time to register what he said, because I was lifted off the ground and we flew to the sky. I immediately started to punch him but it didn't do much except anger him, after a few minutes of me punching and kicking him, he launched me to the ground and my back slammed against the hard ground making me cough blood. I used my elbows to push myself off the ground but I saw that "mister. H" was diving down toward me to smash his knee in my stomach. I rolled on my side making him miss, I then grabbed his ankle and broke it before I got up and took a few steps back from him.

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