Ch 21-Thank you Y/n

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Hey everyone, how are you doing :)

Before we start this chapter I wanted to ask you with who do you want the next lemon to be with?

I already asked that a few chapters ago and the votes were :

-Linnae: 1
-Artoria: 1
-Fubuki : 0

So I will ask you again guys who's next? I will stop taking the vote on March 30

Tell me in the comment 😉

Anyway, without waiting let's go 😁
Previously :

Annie: Can you stop speaking it's annoying.

???: huh *turn to Annie* what did you just say human?

Annie : *sigh* I said can you stop talking, your voice is annoying me

He walked to me and grabbed each side of my face with his hand and made me look at him in the eyes.

Scar: I am Scar, I am an alpha, you are just a little human, learn your place!

When he said that he stopped holding my jaw, he looked at me up and down before smirking, he then got on the same level as me before stroking my cheek making me grit my teeth.

Scar: you know now that I look more closely at you, you are pretty cute *smirk* I wanted to kill you in front of this Y/n L/n but we can fake your death, you can become my wife you will be my greatest trophy ahahah

Annie: *mumble while looking down*

Scar: *smirk* what did you say *get his face closer to Annie*

Annie: *mumble louder*

Scar: *a few centimeters from his face* come on babe say it louder

Annie: *look up and spit in Scar's eye* don't call me yours, there is only one person that I love and it's not you scumbag

Scar: ghhaa *rub his eyes furiously* you bitch! You fucking bitch!

At this moment Scar raised his claws to slash my neck, I closed my eyes prepared for my death...but it never came. When I opened my eyes, I saw Y/n in her half-weretiger form holding each hand of Scar.

Scar: grr look who decided to join us

Y/n: look who it is...*smirk*...the father of the little bitch

Scar: grr you fucking slut I will kill you

Scar tried to slash Y/n but she blocked the hit and punched him in the face making him stagger back, he then wiped his lips before looking angrily at Y/n while the said person was looking cockily at Scar.

Y/n: now let's fight bastard!
Present (Scar POV) :

Scar: (so this is her, the bitch who killed my son...she looks pathetic)

I rushed her with my claws out ready to slash her neck but she once again blocked the hit and punched me.

Y/n: are you that dumb? You attack me the same way and expect it to work?

Scar: shut up I will kill you and use your head as a trophy!

I then saw this girl holding her laughter.

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