Ch 35-Preparing To Save A Kitsune

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Hey, hope you guys are doing okay :)

Well, let's start the chapter :)

We opened the door but our eyes widened when we saw what was behind the door, we saw our daughter escorted by two guards. She was crying I immediately took her in my arms and me and Fubuki calmed her down. Meanwhile, the guards asked Ahri if she could come outside.

Y/n: shhh what happened sweetie...where is Auntie Linnae?

Myu: mama *cry and hug Y/n* I lost Auntie Linnae, she was holding my hand and...then all of a sudden I couldn't feel her hand anymore and when I looked around she wasn't here

Y/n: *blank eyes glaring at the wall* I see *kiss Myu's forehead* calm down sweetie alright *turn to Fubuki* babe can you hold our baby, please

Fubuki: sure love *take Myu in her arms and kiss her forehead too*

After that, I walked outside and joined Ahri who was still talking with the guards.

Ahri: where is my daughter!?

RG: we have found clues but we need a little time to find the origin of them and then we will tell you right away Alpha

Ahri: you better hurry and search as if your life depends on it because it's the case, did I make myself clear?

RG 2: y-yes v-very Alpha then w-we will take our leave

After that, the two bowed and Ahri fell on her knees sobbing. I helped her up and we both got inside the house.


(3rd POV)

In a mountain, we could see a huge door, behind this door there was a long corridor which led to another door. The room behind it was pitch black and if listened closely you could hear a voice sobbing.

???: p-please i-i'm s-save me *cry* p-please
Present (Y/n POV) :

Fubuki could be seen comforting Ahri while I tried to calm down Aria. Aria wanted to go into the forest to search for her, she wasn't thinking straight.

Aria: *growling* I won't repeat myself Y/n...step aside!

Y/n: no! Let's say even if you find where she is, what do you do next?!

Aria: I will save my daughter!

Y/n: and what if there are armed guards there?! Or phenomena stronger than you! We can't be sure of who is waiting for us there, I know how you feel but-*slap*

Aria: you never lost one of your children so don't talk as if you knew how it feels!

My head was forced to the side, I could hear Ahri and Fubuki gasp, and I heard someone getting up growling. I stopped Fubuki by raising my hand and I looked back at Aria

Y/n: do you think that I am calm right now...I'm angry no I'm mad! Do you think it makes me fucking happy to stay here?! She may be your daughter but she is also my mate...for fuck sake how do you think I feel right now?! If I could, I would have already run to where Linnae is BUT I CAN'T! *tear up* how do you think Linnae would feel if her father died trying to save her...let me tell you how she would feel, she would blame herself...she would say that if she hadn't been captured you wouldn't be dead! I lost my father a few years ago and I had to watch him being buried...I don't want the same thing happening to Linnae so please *cry and hug Aria* I know you are scared of losing her, but it's the same thing for me so please wait with us.

Wait...the princesses are my mates ?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora