Ch 10-A bloodbath

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Hello everyone!

I hope you're excited about this chapter, again if you see any mistakes or if you have any suggestions then tell me :)

Previously :

When Jinka got out of the room she told Fubuki that she was coming and Fubuki hang up saying thanks and that she need to go see the wounded, when she was in the corridors she called two of her guards to come to protect you and to let nobody enter or getting out of this room. When Y/n was left alone her smile disappeared and she looked down, the moon shined more and more from behind her and when she looked up she had a wicked smile and her (E/C) eyes seemed to shine like two jewels.

 When Y/n was left alone her smile disappeared and she looked down, the moon shined more and more from behind her and when she looked up she had a wicked smile and her (E/C) eyes seemed to shine like two jewels

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Y/n: look like I need to pay a visit to some bad kids~ *lick lips while we can see something shining in Y/n mouth* hihihi~ this will be so fun!
Present (Y/n POV)

When Jinka left the room, my anger immediately came back, I wanted to kill those fucking bastards, I wanted to murder them...nevermind...I WILL MURDER THEM RIGHT NOW!
I decided to leave the room by the door but when I opened the door, two guards stopped me immediately.

RG 1 (Random Guard): Where are you going miss Y/n?

Y/n: humm oh I'm just going to get myself something to drink

RG 2: I'm sorry miss but you can't get out of this chamber

Y/n: and why?

RG 1: because the princess, your mate told us to not let anyone get out or go in this room

Y/n: and how am I supposed to go to the toilet if I want to?

RG 2: then you will have to wait until the princess comes back

Y/n: then what if-

RG 1: you will not go out of this room and that's final! We have to make sure that you don't go out of this room!

Y/n: ...fine
3rd POV

After Y/n said fine, she slammed the door shut, she then walked to the windows and looked through it to see if there were any guards outside, and to her dismay...there was a guard but it looked like he was falling asleep, maybe he didn't sleep enough last night or something.
Anyway, this was her chance, she waited until the guard fell asleep, blocked the door with the desk, and opened the window. Then she jumped through the window and ran until she could see the village from afar. She turned one last time to the village.

 She turned one last time to the village

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