Ch 25-Explain

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Hey guys _Shironeki_'s here :)

Soooo I had a question if, for example, you are in a relationship with a girl or a boy, but then months or years later your mother/father tells you that she/he is in a relationship with the mother/father of your girlfriend/boyfriend...does it mean that you are in a relationship with your step-sister or since you were already in a relationship before your parents started dating it changes nothing 🤔🤔

If you're wondering, no I'm not talking about myself I've never had a girlfriend it's just my mind asking itself too many questions 😂

Well anyway here's a new chapter for you :)

I then took the salt, coated his feet in it, and bring a goat. After a few seconds, she started to lick his feet making him laugh. But a few hours later he wasn't laughing anymore he was screaming in agony since the goat was licking his flesh. Good thing he is healing, I will be able to do it again tomorrow. Anyway, after that, I stopped the goat and dragged him back in the cell after that I got out of the dungeons and it was night outside so I ran to Fubuki's mansion unaware that someone saw me going out of the dungeons. When I arrived at the mansion I was greeted by Fubuki's parents, my little angel, and Fubuki. I said hello to Midorina and Warden, took Myu in my arms, and kissed her forehead and I kissed Fubuki on the lips but she seemed troubled by something. Anyway, after talking for a bit we got in bed and I could still feel that Fubuki wanted to tell me something but I was too happy to listen to her.

Fubuki: good night sweetie, goodnight love

Myu: *hug us both* good night papa, mama, I love you

Y/n: we love you too sweetie, good night sweetheart, goodnight Fubuki

I closed my eyes with a smile on my face not noticing Fubuki's eyes widening, I was only thinking of one thing.

I can't wait to be tomorrow

Fubuki POV:

I woke up seeing my mate and our daughter sleeping together, Y/n was holding Myu protectively against her making me smile. But I slowly lost that smile when I remembered what the guard I send to follow Y/n to make sure she was not harmed, told me.

Fubuki: *sigh* (why were you in the dungeons my love)

After I said that, Y/n started to wake up and stretch and since she was just in a bra and panties, well I had a nice view. But I needed to talk to her, ask her why she was in the dungeon last night.

Fubuki: good morning babe *kiss Y/n*

Y/n: good morning love *kiss back*

Fubuki: I-i need to ask you something alright promise me you won't be mad

Y/n: *sigh* I promise I won't be mad, is it about Ann-

Fubuki: you were in the dungeons yesterday, why?

Y/n didn't say anything for what seemed an eternity until she smiled...but not her kind smile no a malicious smile.

Y/n: well I was just practicing *creepy smile*

Y/n: well I was just practicing *creepy smile*

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