Ch 46-I Told You That You Would Be My Next Kill

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Hey guys 👋

So if some of you don't understand what is happening with the POV and all that, all the fights are happening at the same time.


He then rushed Artoria but before he could harm her, a huge column of blue fire appeared all around Artoria and made it impossible for Carmer to kill her. He could hear bone-breaking and reform with screams of anger and pain that quickly transformed into growls. After a moment the column finally extinguished itself and in front of him stood Artoria. But she was different from before, her once red scales, fur and skin changed into various blue and she was much taller than before, her two horns changed into a crown and she gave off an aura of authority and strength.

 But she was different from before, her once red scales, fur and skin changed into various blue and she was much taller than before, her two horns changed into a crown and she gave off an aura of authority and strength

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Artoria: I will avenge you, father!

Artoria flew toward him at incredible speed, when she was right in front of him she grabbed his head and slammed it in the ground before dragging him with his head still in the ground. Carmer tried to slash her right eye but she avoided his attack and flew in the sky again and sent dust from her blue scales toward him except that this time it made a much bigger explosion and blinded Carmer for a few moments. It was all the time she needed, she sent scales dust everywhere around her, and as soon as Carmer was able to see again, she made all of them explode, burning Carmer's eyes and rendering him blind. The fire also burnt him on his tail, arms, head, back, Reiner seeing all the flames and screams of anger and pain ran to his Alpha once every threat was taken care of. But when he arrived, he only saw a cloud of dust, when the dust dispersed, he got extremely sad, worried, and angry. In front of him was the body and head of Dracos, Artoria with slash marks everywhere on her body and Carmer twitching on the ground still alive but badly burned. Reiner then saw that Artoria got on one knee, bleeding and reverting to her human form. He immediately took her gently in his hand before picking up Carmer harshly. He dropped Carmer in front of some guard and told them to lock him up, he then ran to a doctor that stopped the bleeding and bandaged her up. Artoria wanted to go back to Y/n and protect her, saying that she already lost her father and she couldn't lose another member of her family but Reiner didn't want her to, not because he didn't care about Y/n but because Artoria had already lost a lot of blood and if she was hurt again nobody would be able to help her in time. After a bit of argument, Reiner accepted to take her to Y/n and so they made their way to Y/n unaware of what they were going to find there.

(Jinka POV)

I rushed Dave and slashed him on the chest but after only around ten seconds, his wounds regenerated.

Jinka: tch you're troublesome

But I didn't stop here, I kept slashing and punching him but he just stood there, taunting me making me mad.

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