He froze and a voice behind me spoke up, "Stay on the ground pal if you know what's good for you." I never broke eye contact with the guy in front of me, but I knew Two-bit was here backing me up.

"Now, you are going to leave me the fuck alone or the next time I see you I will make sure to show you how this girl can use a man's weapon. Got it?" He quickly nodded his head and I backed off. I watched him help his friend off the ground and walk off quickly.

Two-bit whistled, "Sometimes I wonder if you are crazier than Dally is." He chuckled, "You good though?"

I touched my eye and felt the swelling already around it, "Peachy. My brother is going to flip." Two-bit threw an arm around my shoulder and walked with me to the DX. It wasn't too far from where I was almost jumped, so the walk was quick.

Two-bit had been telling me some story about how he snatched this jacket from a store without getting caught, but I tuned him out when I saw Tim and Dally standing in front of the DX. "I am not in the mood for this."

Two-bit dropped his arm from my shoulder and I went to walk off, but my brother's voice stopped me. "Sage. Get over here." I knew he was probably pissed from me blowing up on him yesterday. And who knows what Tim said to him.

I took a few breaths before I walked over to them. It didn't take long for Dally to notice what happened. "The hell happened to your face?"

I glared at him, "It's handled. Don't worry about it."

Tim asked who did it. I shook my head, "Again, I handled it."

Two-bit piped up, "It's true. I walked up to a guy rolling on the ground in pain and another one with a blade to his pants. The girl is crazy."

I rolled my eyes. You give Two-bit a small bit of information and the whole damn world is going to hear about it in some ridiculous story.

Tim snapped back at him, "I don't care what happened. I care about who did it." Two-bit raised his hands in defense and walked towards the garage to see what Steve and Soda were doing.

Two-Bit P.O.V.

Soda asked what was going on out there. I chuckled, "Sage got into it with these two hoods. One got her good in the eye, but she handled them. Ol Dally and Tim aren't taking it too well. Which makes sense after what happened a few days ago."

Steve rolled out from under a car, and we all looked out to see how it was going. Sage had a finger pointed at Dally and then turned to say something to Tim. Tim went to swat her hand away and Sage pulled a blade on him. We knew she wasn't going to use it against him, but no one pulls a blade on Tim Shepard. We all seemed to hold our breath as we waited for him to do something, but nothing ever happened.

We shook their heads as Sage walked away from them both. Steve chuckled, "I don't know how she does it. Any one of us would've been killed."

We heard Tim yell out to Dally as he went walking in the other direction, "You need to control your sister. One of these days I won't be able to hold back."

Dally shook his head, "You think I know what to do with her? The kid punches back, and hard."

Tim walked off and Dally came over to us in the garage. Steve went back under the car, most likely trying to stay out of his way. But not before saying, "Your sister has more balls than I do."

Dally jumped up to sit on the work bench and shook his head, "She's crazy is what she is."

Soda asked why Tim didn't do anything. "Because she is just as much as a sister to him as she is to me. He wouldn't lay a hand on her unless she did something really stupid."

I laughed, "Holding a blade up to him isn't stupid?"

Dally took out a cancer stick and lit it up. "Nah. I think Tim was more impressed that she did it. And with his own blade. Now if she actually used it, I would be worried for her."

He took a few puffs before he pointed at Soda. "You and I have unfinished business. But I would be more worried about your girl if I were you."

Soda's eyes got wide. "She wouldn't do anything, would she?" Dally smirked, "The kid is a firecracker. I wouldn't put it past her. Plus, she is walking around with Shepard's blade."

Soda ran a hand through his hair, "Shit. I should warn her." And went inside to call Sandy.

I shook my head at him, "One of these days he is going to see that rainbows don't come out of her ass." They all mumbled in agreement.

Dally asked me what had happened. "She wouldn't tell me. But I don't think she would tell me if the world is ending either. She's still pissed at me or something."

I told him what I saw, which wasn't much. "I got there after the guy went to the ground. I have no idea what they wanted. She's getting more and more like you, Dal."

Dally shook his head, "That's what I'm afraid of. Keep an eye on her, will ya. I just have this feeling something more is going on and I don't like it." I nodded my head and Steve said he would too. I hoped Dally was wrong though. Sage is the last person that needs more shit thrown into her life. 

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