he said "let's get out of this town"(drive out of the city,away from the crowds)

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Part 1.

Wildest Dreams is easily in my top 3 off of 1989 and Ms Swift decided to release her version on my birthday so you guys are getting a short little fluffy (and a little rushed cause I really wanted to get this out on the 17th and it's literally less than 5 minutes until the day's over) one shot out of the whole thing 😊😊


Artistic liberties taken.


"I think we should run away. You and I. Let's just disappear. I think it would be great. You would be the only thing I see every morning."
"I think it's a great plan as well."

"And go where?", she asked laughing.
"Wherever you want.", he said, meaning every word.
"It's a nice dream."
"It doesn't have to be a dream."

Eda pulled back, confused.

"What do you mean?"

He took her hands in his and held them tight.

"I mean exactly what I said. Let's just go somewhere."
"You mean for a vacation?"
"I mean... Remember how I asked you to postpone going to Italy for two months?"
"Don't do that. Let's go to Italy. Right now. Just you and I. You can go back to school and I can take some time for myself. Think some things through. Help you with your school work if you'd like. We could go have ice cream on the weekends and get lost in the streets like you mentioned. Maybe visit a library or two?", he asked. Each sentence brought a vivid image to his brain and he loved the idea even more.

Two months ago, making an offer like this would never even cross his mind.

But now?

Now, he wanted to drop everything and just disappear with her.

"S-Serkan, are you serious? What about your parents? Your father just had a heart attack! And.. and ArtLife? The holding? You can't just drop everything all of a sudden!"

She wanted to. Oh, she wanted to take him up on that offer so much.

But how could they? Well, she could. Maybe. But he had responsibilities. He had an entire holding and ArtLife to manage. He had his family. They couldn't just drop everything and leave.

"I'm serious. And I don't care, okay? I don't care about any of it. There are other people who can manage the holding. Engin and Pırıl did a wonderful job managing ArtLife when I was in London. I can hop on a plane and back if I'm really, really needed. And my parents need to learn to butt out of my life. It's my life. I can do whatever the hell I want with it. And what I want right now is to go away with you."

Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes.

"Serkan, we haven't even told our families that we're really together now. I'd need to contact the school. Where would we stay? We need to plan this."

It's like roles were reversed.

Eda was the one who made the impromptu decisions without thinking of the consequences.

Serkan was the one who calculated every single step he took in his life since his father shipped him off to boarding school.

"Eda, do you.. not want to? Because if you don't-"
"I do!", she interrupted. "You have no idea how much I want to run away with you. Away from everyone and everything. From your mother, especially.", she said with a smile.
"Then why?"
"Because this isn't you. You don't make sudden decisions like this. Not without thinking things through. What's going on in your mind?"

She knows him too well...

"I need a break, Eda. Ever since my father shipped me off to boarding school, my life has been non-stop studying and then working. I never stopped. I never took one minute for myself to just stop and enjoy life. I didn't have a reason to. Then you came. And you turned my life upside down. You reminded me that I'm alive. You gave me a reason to enjoy my life. To really live my life. Look, work is always going to be here. Right? It's not going anywhere. But right now, all I want is to really get to know you, spend time with you and enjoy this, our relationship, without everybody else butting in our business. We can take care of your school with one phone call. And I have a place in Italy where we can stay. We are both responsible adults who know what we're doing and we don't need anybody's permission. All I need to know is if you want to go away with me."
"Eda Yıldız. Will you come to Italy with me? Don't think. Yes or no?"
"Then let's do it."
"You're crazy."
"No. I just finally have a reason to live."

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