been losing grip on sinking ships (you showed up just in time) - Pt1

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Hey guys!

So, I don't want to talk much about the episode. I've seen some people rant on Twitter. And I am inclined to agree with some of those rants (like Serkan's nonexistent gut feeling whenever a woman is shamelessly coming on to him and the way he's just like "meh") but let's keep in mind that;

-This episode wasn't meant to be the season finale.
-Some of the cast were out because of Covid, the filming had to be postponed for some time and some last minute changes had to be made to the script because of all that.

Was it the best episode? No.
Are we sick and tired of pointless characters getting in between Eda and Serkan? You have no idea.
Was it season finale worthy? Definitely not except for the last scene.
Did the cast and crew do their best given the circumstances? Hell yes.

So let's not complain too much and be happy that they finally get to have some much needed time off and they'll be back in June.

But can we talk about the way they shaded the previous writers for their amnesia plot?

I'm still laughing 😹😹😹

Onto the chapter.

What if Eda falling into the sea wasn't resolved in, like, five seconds?

This is another thing that doesn't make sense to me. Nothing actually happens to Eda (in the physical sense. Emotionally, she's been through enough). She fell into a pit in ep 15. Nothing. She was kidnapped but not actually kidnapped. She fell in to the sea in the middle of February. And nothing. Like, that moment was a golden opportunity for us to watch Serkan go out of his mind with worry about a woman he does not remember and what might come after. Those writers wasted so many opportunities it's driving me crazy!


"Serkan! Serkan! Eda's gone!"

One moment he was inside having a phone call, the next he was out on the deck looking for the woman he could not remember but would not get out of his mind.

"What do you mean she's gone!? What happened?"
"I don't know, she was down there watching the sea and I looked up and she was gone."
"Did she fall?"
"I don't know but where else could she be?"

His eyes scanned the sea, looking for any sign of her.

"Selin, when did you realize she was gone?"
"No more than a minute."
"In this weather she's going to get hypothermia, or worse, drown if we can't find her. And fast. Anything?"
"No. Deniz's checking the other side of the boat, maybe she was caught in the current?"

If she was, they might never be able to find her alive.

And he can't have that. He won't have that.

Not until he figured out why she wouldn't get out of his head. Why she was infecting his every thought. Why he felt this unexplainable connection between them.

His eye caught a glimmer on the deck and he bent down to see what it was. Her necklace. It must have fallen off her when she fell to the sea.

That goddamn necklace.

He quickly pocketed it and turned back to the sea. He had to find her.

He barely registered Deniz saying he couldn't find her when he finally saw her floating on the surface, face down.

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