i hate to make this all about me (but who am i supposed to talk to?)... - Pt2

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...what am I supposed to do
if there's no you?...

I think it's safe to assume at this point that if I say there's no part 2 coming, there's a part 2 is coming %80 of the time. Right?

This chapter's been written because of a comment Bluedovewings made on the previous chapter. So it's dedicated to her. Hope you like it 😇

Artistic liberties taken.

I would like to remind, once again, that I am not a medically trained healthcare worker. I did some research but any medical talk I write here is completely made up and probably does not represent truth in any way. If it does, it is by complete coincidence.


Serkan knew something was wrong when his phone rang at two in the morning and it was Deniz calling him.

"Deniz? What's wrong?"
"You need to come to the hospital. Right now."
"Deniz, what's going on?"
"Eda deteriorated. She's in the ICU."
"What happened? I thought she was fine?"
"Just get here, Serkan."
"I'm on my way."

He quickly drove to the hospital and found her room. Her aunt and Deniz were gazing through the window of her room with tears on their eyes and he caught a glimpse of her still body. She was pale. Her face had lost all color. She had nothing to do with the woman he saw just hours earlier.

What the hell happened to her in such a short time?

"Serkan. Let's uh.. let's get something to drink. Anything I can bring you Aunt Ayfer?"
"No. You go. I'm not going anywhere."
"You haven't eaten anything since lunch. I'm getting you something and you'll have Eda to answer to if she finds you like this. Understood?"
"Okay, fine."

They slowly walked to the hospital cafeteria and Serkan finally asked Deniz what the hell happened.

Well, apparently falling into freezing water and almost drowning in the middle of February has consequences.

Who knew?

"Her body temperature dropped overnight and she went into hypothermia and then her body started shutting down."
"But the doctor said I got her out in time. She was fine. She was talking. How did this happen? Did I do something wrong with the CPR? Is she like this because of me?"
"Serkan, this has nothing to do with what you did. They said this is why they wanted to keep her for observation. That delayed complications after almost drowning are common. Doctors got to her fast but because it went undetected and therefore untreated for hours, the hypothermia led to pneuomonia and that led to something called acute respiratory distress syndrome. They said the mortality rate for this thing is %35-46. They had to put her on a vent because right now, she can't breathe on her own."
"There's a chance she won't wake up, Serkan."

Serkan felt his heartbeat echoing in his ears, drowning out every other sound.

She was fine. They talked.

She said she hang on to his voice.

They were going to talk. About the year he didn't remember, his missing memories. Them.

She couldn't die. Not like this.

"Serkan? Serkan? Serkan!"
"I'm okay. I'm fine. I-"
"Let's get some fresh air. It'll do us both good."

They went outside to sit on one of the benches in the hospital's garden. Filling their lungs with clean, fresh air.

Air Eda couldn't breathe on her own.

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