they are the hunters we are the foxes (and we run)

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aka five times Eda and Serkan encountered the paparazzi.

We are taking a break from my unregularly scheduled Serkan amnesia one-shots for this little thing. This one is, well I don't know what it is. It just happened. No amnesia, no evil grandmas or scheming ex girlfriends. Just Eda and Serkan, after they start dating for real and as their relationship progresses, encountering (and sometimes running away from the paparazzi) on various occasions.


The first time Eda and Serkan were caught by the paparazzi after they started dating for real, they were in Antalya.

Serkan surprised Eda with a trip to Antalya for their one-year anniversary as a real couple. He had asked Ferit to book the same room for the two of them. They went to the Temple of Apollo at night to watch the stars. They went to the waterfall and swam for hours.

The paparazzi caught them when they were leaving the restaurant Serkan took Eda to for a romantic dinner. It was very rare to catch Serkan Bolat and his girlfriend together and outside so they wanted to get as many pictures and as they could manage. Luckily, their driver was already waiting for them so without saying a word, they quickly walked through the blinding flashes of the paprazzi's cameras and got in the car and went back to their hotel.

The second time Eda and Serkan were caught by the paparazzi after they started dating for real, they were walking Sirius in the park.

Both Eda and Serkan had been putting the final touches to a very important project so they hadn't been able to see one another properly for five minutes in the past two weeks, let alone being able to spend some time alone. But they were finally done and able to take a deep breath to relax. It had been hell on Earth but it was worth it. The end result was amazing.

In this process, they neglected Sirius a bit and had to drop him off at Aydan's place so he could be taken care of properly and run free in the garden. But the minute they were done, they went to Serkan's apartment for some much needed sleep and then picked up Sirius for a walk in the park. He deserved it after being such a good boy for the duration. And so did they after the chaos which was the past two weeks.

When the paparazzi saw them, Serkan was sitting at a bench, watching Eda and Sirius playing catch on the grass with a big smile on his face.

The second Sirius sensed the presence of someone unwanted, he started growling and barking. Serkan stood up and walked towards the two of them to see what was going on and noticed the paparazzi. They gave them a few shots from where they were to satisfy their curiosity for a while and then turned around and started walking towards home.

The third time Eda and Serkan were caught by the paparazzi, they were newly-weds.

Because their wedding had been a press-free occasion, the paparazzi were dying to get a picture of the country's most successful architects and most prolific couple.

They caught them at an annual Architecture Awards gala. It had been their first outing in front of the press since their wedding. Eda Yıldız Bolat was being honored with two awards that night, Rising Star of Architecture Award and One-To-Watch acknowledgement. And Serkan had won the Architect of the Year Award. To absolutely no one's surprise. Even their competitors knew they deserved those awards. The work they'd done was there for everyone to see.

After the ceremony, they gave a small interview and answered a couple questions, mostly about their upcoming projects.

Both Eda and Serkan knew that it was inevitable for the questions to turn towards their relationship. They'd decided beforehand to answer some of them. It was good PR and they needed to give the press something after they made sure their private wedding photos wouldn't end up front page.

The fourth time Eda and Serkan were caught by the paparazzi, Eda was 6 months pregnant and they were at the mall, shopping for their baby.

The paparazzi caught them when they were about to leave the mall and asked permission for a couple questions. Bolats were very strict about their private lives staying private. Even more so after Serkan Bolat had gotten married. They were known for suing (and winning) reporters, paparazzi and publications for libel, defamation or whatever they could make stick when they made fake news for clickbait.

Long story short, they'd learned their lesson when it came to the Bolat family. Mostly. There was occasionally the odd cocky reporter who thought they'd be able to get away with it. They never did.

They asked about their newest projects, which were widely talked about and won them some coveted awards, and then about the new addition to their family. How the pregnancy was going, the gender, due date.

The pregnancy was so far so good. Their baby was apparently a girl and the expected due date was in May. They were surprised when they got answers for all three questions. They didn't want to push their luck though and let them be.

The fifth time Eda and Serkan were caught by the paparazzi, they had taken their four-year old daughter out to a private beach. It was their first proper vacation in years.

They avoided taking photos of their daughter's face as they knew full well what happened to the first (and last) paparazzo who dared taking and publishing their daughter's photo. The Bolat family practically ruined the guy for violating a kid's right to privacy.

Instead, they tried to take as many photos of the couple as they could before they were noticed.

Of course, they were noticed. Their cameras were checked for any unwanted shots of their daughter. The paparazzi knew they didn't have to subject themselves to such a search. But the press and the Bolat family had an unwritten agreement. The paparazzi didn't cross any red lines and the Bolat family allowed for the occasional paparazzi shots and interviews, some exclusives. Their bosses would kill them if they violated this understanding.

Eda Yıldız Bolat and Serkan Bolat having fun at the beach was a pretty news-worthy event on its own anyway.

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