you'll find the real thing instead(she'll patchup your tapestry that i've shred)

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I was going to wait until I had one or two more chapters typed up to publish this one but after tonight's episode I couldn't help it.

While I understand that Ceren is a character with mental health problems (and Melisa was on fire tonight), the fact that it came out of nowhere bothered me. There was no build-up. I hope they handle her storyline responsibly. Mental health problems are not a joke.

I wrote this before we found out about Ceren's mental illness so in this one-shot, she does not have one.

In any case, Ferit Şimşek is a cinnamon roll who must be protected at all costs.


Ferit sat in front of his fireplace, a glass of scotch in his hand, contemplating the last couple months of his life. He thought he must have a type. Falling for women who were in love with someone else.

First Selin who never stopped being in love with Serkan. And now Ceren, who apparently never really got over her childhood love.

He knew he loved Selin with all he had but he couldn't stomach her obsession with Serkan. He couldn't be married to a woman who didn't love him back. No matter how much he loved her. And Ceren, that was complicated. He thought they had something. Something special. But Deniz's arrival after Serkan's accident and disappearance changed Ceren. She was different. Acting cold towards him and always making up excuses to cancel dates. Coming up with ways to spend time with Deniz. He just wished they could have stayed friends.

He knew that there was someone out there. Someone who will return his feelings. Someone who will love him as passionately as he would love her. Someone who will love him for him. Someone who will mend the wreckage of his heart created by Selin and Ceren. Although if she could hurry up and come into his life already, that would be much appreciated.

Turns out, he wouldn't have to wait much longer.

The someone he had been waiting for came in the form of a stranger who helped him when he was mugged the next day.

He'd been doing some shopping to clear his head and pass some time at the mall and was loading his purchases in the back of his car when it happened. Two guys with knives in their hands cornered him and asked him to give up his phone, wallet and car keys. Normally, he'd just give them up and then call the bank to cancel his cards and then call the police.

But that day, he already wasn't in a good place and this incident became the cherry on top. In hindsight, he had no idea why he fought back. But he was so happy that he did. Because that's how she met the woman he was getting married to in a couple of hours.

Another customer, Aylin, noticed his mugging. Aylin was a doctor who was also quite good at defensive arts. She quickly disarmed the muggers and saved the strange man who had a cut on his arm because the dumbass tried to fight back.

She quickly bandaged the cut and then drove him to the hospital she worked because she didn't trust the man would seek medical attention on his own. He looked startled, didn't talk much on the way. Completely normal after a mugging.

She took him to the ER and disinfected the cut properly and bandaged it again. They got to talking as she worked. His name, her name, what they do for a living, all that. After giving him specific instructions on how to care for his injury, she told him to stop by and ask for her in 3 days so she could check to see if the cut was healing nicely.

He showed up 3 days later with a bouquet of flowers and asked her out for dinner as a thank you for saving him. Upon seeing her very busy schedule, he brought her (and her co-workers) some much needed dinner when she was on-call. She appreciated the gesture and took him to her office for privacy. They talked until she was called down for a patient.

She thought that'd be the last time she'd see him but he kept showing up with coffee and something to eat the nights she was on-call. She might have thought he was a dumbass for fighting back against muggers (and told him so) but apparently he was a thoughtful dumbass who liked her. The feelings were mutual and she asked him out for dinner the next night she had the night off. It was a date.

Both she and Ferit enjoyed the evening more than they thought they would. So they kept doing it. Ferit understood her busy work schedule. When she had to cancel dates or just leave in the middle of one. And Aylin could see he wasn't faking, that he genuinely understood. He dropped her off himself when she had to go.

They'd been dating for a year and a half when he finally proposed. She didn't think twice before saying yes.

Now here they were, at the wedding venue, getting ready to spend the rest of their lives together.

Ferit was fixing his suit when someone knocked his door. It was his best man, Serkan.

"You look good. Any last minute nerves?"
"Nope. None."
"Good. Because Aylin is a really nice woman and if you leave her at the altar too, I might have to kill you. And I have it on good authority that both she and my wife would help me hide your body."

That was another nice development. His friendship with Serkan. They struck a good connection and he was grateful to have him in his corner. He really lucked out in friends department. It didn't hurt that Eda and Aylin got on like a house on fire.

"I would expect nothing less. Is it time?"
"Yeah. Are you ready?"
"So ready. Let's go."

Time to get on to the next adventure of his life with the woman who mended his broken heart without even trying.

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