stand outside my window(throwin' pebbles screamin' "i'm in love with you") - pt2

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Serkan knows he has to apologize. And he wants to apologize.

The thing is...

Serkan never once apologized in his life.

Artistic liberties taken.

There's a rant at the bottom, if anyone wants to know what I think about the storyline for S2. It's not bad, I promise.


Serkan took his mother's advice and decided to give Eda some time to calm down.

A couple of hours should be enough.


Apparently not.

He could hear her yelling all the way down in his car in front of her door.

"Doesn't this man know me at all? How could he think I could do something like this? Doesn't he know me? Doesn't he trust me?"

Yep. She was still pissed as hell.

He couldn't talk to her when she was this angry.

She might just say to hell with it and strangle him.

He was going to have to give it some more time before he showed his face to her...


Erdem, once in a blue moon, decided to make himself useful and prove Eda's innocence.

He didn't know Eda all that well but he had gotten to know her well enough to know that hell would freeze over before Eda Yıldız would commit corporate espionage.

So he went to her friends and together, they found irrefutable proof that Kaan Karadağ did in fact bribe government officials to get a copy of Serkan's design.

Leyla was right.

Eda was innocent.

He took the proof to Serkan and wished him luck with Eda.

He would need it.
Serkan sat in the conference room-turned-his office with a glass of water with lemon, staring at the files Erdem, of all people, had brought.

There it was.

The proof of her innocence.

He already knew that she was but now he had proof.

Proof that he so "desperately" wanted...

He missed her so much it hurt.

It hurt his soul.

It had been three days since that day.

Three days since he last saw her and he was already craving her presence.

He felt as if a part of him was missing.

How was she able to become such an essential part of him, of his life in such a short time?

He needed her.

He could figure everything else out later but the only thing he knew for sure at that moment was the fact that he needed her by his side.

So he got to work.

He digged into Kaan's business and found proof that he'd been using unfit materials for the eco-project he basically stole from ArtLife.

The same eco-project that Eda had worked tooth and nail on.

If he managed to get that back...

Eda would have to come back. It was her project after all.

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