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     What is the meaning of real?

     Yes, we can see the world. We can dig our fingers beneath a layer of earth, feel its warmth. We can experience all that life has to offer.

     And yet, in the end, where everything we held dear ceases to matter, are we real? Is this world real? Has it ever been?

     Who's to say? There is every possibility we only exist, encoded within a brilliant mind, intricately sculpted with millions of numbers and letters, brought to some semblance of life on a screen ablaze with lights. 

     Is that real, then? Or is it just another, deeper layer in the mystery of existence, the final question?

     Are we real? Am I real?

     If timelines could be split, if the past could be erased and I could start over, then could I be real? If I had defied death itself, if I had clung to life when every logic pointed to me being long dead at this point more than once, then could I be real? 

     What a curious world we live in. 

     Never have we stopped asking questions we had no answers to. We ask them anyway, although we fear the unknown so much, the darkness where there was no certainty, not even of our own existence. We ask them anyway because we are human.

     My entire life had been fake. Perhaps it only made sense that I would seek an answer to this timeless question. 

     If, wandering through time for a destination, a purpose, I thought not of Hyrule, not of avenging the dead, not of protecting the living, but of a single, selfish, blazing yearning for the truth, the ugly, tangled truth hidden behind lie after lie, if that was what I wished for, then did I deserve a second chance?

     The truth. Such an ugly, raw, complicated thing. I wondered if I even dared to pursue it. If I would prefer living as someone I wasn't. 

     No. Too long I had complied to the deception against the world. Too long I had lied and been lied to. 

     Time held the answers to all mysteries within its currents. Would mine wash away? Or would it be salvaged from its frothing depths?

     And what would be the consequences?

A/N: Wow. That was super hard to write for some reason. I wanted it to be poetic, but not over the top. Simple, but complicated in meaning. Yup. Pretty darn hard.

Well? This is the interlude between the first and second half. The actual second half starts next chapter. 

It's been a while since I'd updated. Thank y'all for waiting and see you in the second half!

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