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     Your gentle hand brushed back my hair from my face, and I stared at the spotlessly white bedsheets as you smeared cool ointment onto my skin, seeping slowly into the wound at the side of my face.

     I couldn't bring myself to look at you. We were alone in my room, and yet I just couldn't force my tense muscles to relax. I supposed that I was too used to having everyone pick out our closeness, for every pair of narrowed eyes to speak their censure for their owners.

     "It smells nasty." I said with a small smile, my fingers fiddling with the corner of the blankets.

     "Careful." You replied, cocking your head to get a better look at the wound. "If you insult the ointment it won't work for you."

     My smile grew as I lowered my gaze. "Going on strike?"

     "Of course. Ointment has feelings too." You purposefully pressed harder into my wound and I hissed, shoving you lightly. 

     We fell into comfortable silence, the wind running its cool fingers through my rippling curtains the only ambiance as dusk quieted the birds. I stared at the emerald leaves lazily waving at me, encroaching sneakily onto my windowsill, as the dying sun painted the carpet of clouds on the horizon the pink of dianthuses.

     Peace. The peace of a slowly healing wound under loving care, the peace of the dance of fluttering curtains in a warm breeze, the peace of the rough but achingly beautiful harmony of the croaking of frogs and the song of the crickets at the hour of twilight.

     You were no princess, chained to your duties, that moment, and I was no bloodstained, broken knight. 

     We were two people, healing. We were each other's medicine.

A/N: This is way too short but I don't want to make it any longer. It feels right to end it here. And I really want to write next chapter, so. 


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