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     "Link. Link."

     You were jogging to keep up with my relentless pace, through the crimson blur that was the red velvet lining the lavish walls of Hyrule Castle. I ignored your calls, lengthening my steps until I was just short of running flat-out through the tangled hallways of the Castle.

     Walking these halls as a disgraced man was like walking through a crowd of thousands and thousands of people, pressing in on me, stealing my breath out of my constricted lungs, pair after pair of eyes aflame with hatred burning holes through me, the searing heat curling my soul to black ashes.

     "Link!" You persisted, desperation cracking your tone.

     "I have nothing to say to you." I said, the coolness in my voice like the frigid winds blowing down the Hebra Mountains.

     "Link. Listen to me." You tugged on my arm, and I shook you away, my eyes stubbornly fixed on the carpet.

     "Link, please!"

     I stopped and turned to stare you dead in the eyes. "There is nothing connecting us anymore. I am no longer your appointed knight. I'm sure you have better things to do than talking to a shamed foot-soldier."

     You recoiled as though I had swung a fist at your face. "B-But--"

     My eyes were twin chips of ice. "You know what you did. This is the consequence. Frankly, I find it quite within reason. It's a punishment for the both of us."

     You were silent, tears sparkling in your wide, green eyes. 

     I didn't resent your father, or even you for getting us into trouble we couldn't crawl out of. I resented myself, for letting this go on for so long, for even basking in its dangerous warmth.

     I was Icarus. I had flown too close to the sun in my craving for your light in my darkness.

     Quiet stretched on like an endless thread winding between us, half-unraveled by the vicious blow but still somehow tightly entwined. The air rapidly thickened until I was drowning, drowning in the ocean of hurt and betrayal and shame and desire thrust upon my shoulders.

     "Goodbye." My voice was quiet, too quiet. I had to stay strong, to hold my shattered pieces together to fall apart later, alone.

     I turned my back and walked away.


I don't want to make this too long for reasons. Even though it's pretty obvious what had happened here to anyone familiar with dramatic fanfics, I want to save the detailed explanation for later just to draw out the tension a little bit more.

Also, I have nothing else to say.


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