Author's Note

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Welcome to the best story I've ever written.

This story is a mess. A beautiful mess. I took apart genre after genre and blended them together. You'll find detective, mystery, depression, horror, poetic dreaming, government conspiracies, and quite a bit of blood in here. Oh yeah, there's also an autopsy. 

If you are more into the slow-paced literary description and that heavy feeling on your chest, the first half would be for you. If you love action and adventure, world-breaking concepts , and a core group of powerful rebels standing against a corrupt government, then you would enjoy the second half. 

Confused already? Same here. 

This is just a fair warning of what you would come across as you navigate these chapters. I love this story for its diversity, and the way the plot is intricately connected to itself even when it's so spread-out among different tones and concepts. 

I am not a professional writer by any means, and I might have attempted to accomplish too much, but I believe you will enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Thank you for stopping by the world of if i die tomorrow. I will see you at the finish line. 

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