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The Aftermath: A year later

I opened my eyes sitting up in my seat. We were in a plane going to the first destination of my world tour.

"Was all of that a dream?" I gasped.

"What's that?" Taiyan took out his Airpods looking at me.

"Are we fucking?"

"You mean...like right now?" A slow grin started creeping up his face.

"No! I mean are we really together?"

"Yes, Aera." He chuckled as I put my hand on my heart trying to calm it down. 

The rest of the ride was pretty smooth as we landed in the restored and recovered Sin city which is often called Zombie city now. I am very anxious to be back here so I hold on to Taiyan's hand.

"Do you think we should do it?" Taiyan asked me rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"I really want to but it's your call." I shrugged.
"How is it my call? You are going to be the one on the receiving end of all the..."
"Yeah but it may be hard for you too and I want to make sure that you think it's worth it."

Suddenly a knock on the door startled us. We both looked up as the door opened and Zeni stuck her head inside with her eyes narrowed.
"Please tell me the two of you are not discussing something sexual."
I chuckled. "No, we are not."
"Okay then I think I need to ask what this is about." Zeni slid inside and shut the door of the green room.
"We were talking about going public with our relationship." Taiyan informed Zeni and she nodded.
"And how are you planning to do this?" Zeni raised one eyebrow at me.
"What? The normal way of course. I will post a selfie with him and everyone will know."
"Really? You are not going to try and make my life difficult."
"Not this time. " I smiled at Zeni.

She sighed. "Okay then. You have to be on stage in 10 minutes okay. Be ready."
I nodded and Zeni left. As soon as the door shut behind her, Taiyan eyed me.
"You just lied to her, didn't you?"
"No!" I smirked at him and he shook his head smiling. Just when my phone rang. I know who it would be.

I picked up the video call from Sam and pulled Taiyan closer in the frame.
"Hey Sam!"
"Hey Aera. Hey Taiyan."
"Hey Sam. How is your mom?"
"She is at your concert right now."
"Really? She is?"

Sam ran his hand through his hair that he had grown out and he looks a lot more different than he used to a year ago.
"She is not at the premiere?" Taiyan asked her.
"No. She still thinks the actress they cast as her looked too old."
We both chuckled. The documentary about us and the people who survived Sin city was releasing today.
"Are you excited Sam?"
"Yes. All my clips of you are gonna be in the end credits."
"Just how many did you take?"
"A lot."
"Am I in any of them?" Taiyan asked.
Sam smiled cheekily.
"Best of luck for the show. I'll talk later."
"You too."

I hung up turning around and looking up at Taiyan.
"I love you." He whispered and kissed my cheeks.
"You really sure about this? I need to warn you. People may analyze our videos and past encounters. They may spring out their own narrative, may cancel you for something stupid, some might call you a gold digger and how can I forget. There also might me a lot of Wattpad fan fiction."
"Wattpad fan fiction? Am I supposed to know what that is?"
"Oh, my sweet innocent strawberry. The world is too cruel for you." I bopped his nose and he rolled his eyes before hugging me closer.
"I don't care what happens. You are worth it all."
"Aw you say the cheesiest things and I love it."
"I know."
I hugged him before leaving for the stage.

I walked down the lobby hand in hand with Taiyan feeling good about everything. In the past year things have changed a lot. The world has changed and it has been changing constantly. After we left Sin city that day escaping by an inch of our lives things got out of hand. The news coverage I got was insane. And telling the whole world that it isn't rain that's causing zombies also caused a lot of ruckus. There were debates about whether it is a conspiracy theory or just a tactic to dethrone the current government. Since a lot of it was based on speculation and not hard proof, it was dismissed as just a crazy musician trying to chase after clout. It didn't bother me as much though cause the people who mattered believed me.  

Eventually I was glad I spoke up the truth because it fueled a fire that was already burning. An investigation was launched and a lot of people were found guilty for a lot of things but there wasn't someone that the zombie attack could be blamed on directly. It took all of a while but we settled back in a new way of life. World changes everyday for better for worse.

I finally stood on the stage on the first ever show I am going to be playing after such a long time. The cheers of the people and the lights and the atmosphere put a smile on my face.
"Hello there!" I spoke into the mic and the stadium shivered with the cheers of the crowd. I laughed.
"Before I start this show I wanna say something. You know those bad days in your life that you dread a lot. I used to avoid them a lot not knowing that the only way to the other side is through. Trust me, those rainy days are really important. Once the rain stops everything is clear and beautiful. Because it gets rid of all the dirt. Just like the bad days and how they show you the real people in your life. And trust me, with the right kind of people you can get out of any hell and even a city full of zombies."

The cheers were maddening. I searched for Taiyan who stood near the stage looking up at me with a proud smile.
I smiled back at him.

"I also found the real people. And I wanna tell you about one person in particular. I apologize to my manager in advance...Taiyan come on up."

I saw his eyes widen. He must have realized what I was about to do. I could only imagine the panic Zeni must have been feeling then.

He shook his head no. I nodded.
"Come on now. Don't embarrass me."

He exhaled walking slowly up the stage. I could see his ears turning red. he doesn't like being the center of attention.
I ran and took his hand in mine. I knew how many cameras were flashing at me at the moment capturing what may go down in history.

"What are you doing?" He ran his hand through his hair.
I laughed at his expression before giving him a peck on the lips and the stadium filled up with cheers.
Taiyan was surprised as he only looked at me avoiding everything else while I looked ahead at the people.

"So, everyone I don't know if you know him. But I am fucking my Bodyguard."

"Bloody hell." Taiyan cursed just as Zeni came running on the stage out of breath.

"Why would you do that?" She yelled.

I kissed Taiyan before he was dragged away from the stage.
"Give it up for Taiyan. Let's go!!!"

I yelled and the music started right away and I begin singing not giving anyone the chance to process it. I will be on the headlines tomorrow but who cares. People talk cause they can. It doesn't change anything. It's your life you have to make every day count. Or not. Whatever suits you.

The End


Hey my loyal readers! Thank you so much for reading Aera and Taiyan's story and the zombies involved which was clearly a metaphor  for our times if you noticed. I had so much fun writing Aera and Sandy because they are the most unique female characters I've ever written. So hopefully, you'll get to see more of them someday or maybe soon, I am not sure yet. But one thing I'm sure of is that writing without pressure is so amazing and therapeutic. And I will come back to write another short story.

That's it for now. I apologize for the typos. Please leave your reviews if you want. 

Thank you so much!


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