Chapter 8

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Sometimes things surprise you

I have seen a lot of things in my life so far. Losing my parents too young, being brought up by my brother who had no clue what he was doing, then spending time in the military and dealing with crazy stalkers of Aera and Aera herself I'd say I've seen enough of the world and nothing surprises me anymore. Well, until now. Until, today.

I was ready to fight the zombies. I was ready to run into someone who was stuck and needed help. I was ready to run if it came to that. What I wasn't ready for is the silence and the dark. The deeper I went into the airport the more it disturbed me. Why wasn't anybody here? I didn't need to be quiet because the airport was completely abandoned. All the shops, all the counters, all the rooms were empty. There was luggage thrown all over the place.

I went inside all the rooms and all the bathrooms and searched every nook and cranny that I could find but it was all empty. I thought I should go back to Aera because it was getting too late and the way she got upset before I left made my heart ache. But I didn't turn back until I made it to the Airplane standing on the runway. It was dark outside and thankfully it wasn't raining. The year long day was finally coming to an end.

From my vantage point I couldn't see anyone inside the Airplane. I turned around deciding to go back inside but I hesitated. I looked over my shoulder before taking a few steps closer to the plane.

"Is anybody there?" I yelled. In hindsight that was not a very wise decision.
The next second a head popped up in one of the windows. I ran closer to the plane trying to figure out if it's a human. Within a second several heads popped up in windows. My eyes locked with one woman. My heart skipped a beat as soon as I saw her red eyes. Aera might have been a little bit right, these zombies are intelligent and they know how to trick the humans.

"You fucking a-." I muttered to myself before taking a step back tightening my grip on the crowbar. The door of the plane swung open suddenly and I knew I couldn't fight them all if they came at me all at once.

I turned around and ran as fast as I could. I could hear the bodies falling down one on top of the other and the growling noises coming from behind me but I didn't look back until I was inside the building. I chanced a glance over my shoulder and there were more of them than I had imagined.
I almost gasped. They were all the people that must have gone out once the last flight arrived.

I exhaled before I took off again. I had a head start and I was fast but they were too many. So I hid in one of the bathrooms hoping they would stop once they don't see me.
My phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Aera.
'Where are you?'

Instead of replying to her I called her. She picked up at once.

"Taiyan are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Listen to me, Aera."
"Are you really? Are you sure?"
"Aera! Listen to me."
"I'm going to the parking lot. I'm going to start a car somehow, hopefully. There are too many zombies here. We can't stay here."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying you and Sam both need to be as quiet as possible and get to the main entrance okay. I'll come get you."
"Okay. But where are you right now? Are you safe?"
"Just get out of here. I'll see you there."
I hung up on her.

Shoving my phone inside my pocket I opened the door as quietly as possible. I peeked out and the hallway was empty. I got out at once walking swiftly looking around.

I heard a sound of something falling which made me halt. I stood and waited for a minute to make sure nobody was coming. Then I quickly made a turn and there they were.

My eyes ran to the three female and two male zombies. I looked behind me and there was a wall. I needed to go there to meet Aera. I need to fight them.

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