Chapter 11

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Sometimes you get vulnerable

I really couldn't believe my eyes when I heard the loud pop sound of the gun firing. The girl fell like sack of potatoes beside me and the guy yelled. I looked down and found no bleeding but the guy was too mad to notice it. He pressed the knife to my neck and I took advantage of the chaos and elbowed him in the face. He stumbled away but not before nicking me below my shoulder. Taiyan quickly pulled me away and rushed me inside shutting the door.

"Mom did you kill her?" Sam was very close to losing it. That guy was not having a good day. Neither was I, really.

"Oh please. I just shot above her head and she passed out. That's what she gets for calling me a grandma." Sandy put away the gun acting as if nothing had happened.

I rubbed my head feeling stupid. Here goes another thing added to my list of embarrassment. "I am sorry guys. "

"You're bleeding." Taiyan finally spoke up. I looked down only to find blood.

" first battle wound." I sighed.

"Sam go get a first aid box."

Taiyan took my hand and led me to Sam's room and I let him. I was exhausted. I sat down on the bed as Sam ran inside with a first aid box.

Taiyan slowly opened the buttons of my shirt exposing my bleeding shoulder.

"Sam do you mind getting out of here?" He said to Sam after noticing his roaming eyes. Sam made an annoyed face before walking out and slamming the door behind him.

He took out the cotton and began cleaning the wound. I closed my eyes.

"I don't know how you managed to stay alive till now."

"Dumb luck, I guess."

"I told you to not do anything. Why do you never listen to me?" He said.

I opened my eyes and snatched the cotton from his hands. "I can do it myself." I turned away from him.

"Aera..." He grabbed my shoulder to turn me towards him but I resisted and accidentally nudged the wound too hard.

"What are you doing?" Taiyan turned me towards him taking the cotton from me.
"I don't want you here." I said and stood up. He pulled me back down.
"Stay still." His voice was too authoritative for me to ignore this time. So I let him patch me up. Once he was done he looked at me.

I frowned at him.

"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For hurting you."

I scoffed. " Sorry doesn't cut it. Deep down we all know when we're hurting someone but we still chose to do it."

"Would you listen to my side of the story?"

"Let me guess you had reasons. Everyone does. But you decided that your reasons are more important than my feelings. So, no, I won't hear your side."

I got up and began to leave but his arms engulfed me in a bear hug from behind with his face buried in my neck. I squirmed in his arms but he didn't let go.

"Do you know the first thought that came to mind this morning when I woke up?" He whispered.

Now I was curious. "What?"

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