Final Chapter

14 4 3

Sometimes it's fight or die

I have had this feeling before. When your legs starts shaking and your heart beats fastens and you could feel it through your chest. It's like your blood is shaking and your mouth is dry and your stomach is hollow. This feeling that you are there but you are not and you know no matter how much you try to come back your brain wouldn't cooperate. And neither does your body. Yeah, it's the worst feeling in the world.

 "You need to get inside the chopper now!" Taiyan started running in the opposite direction. I was frozen but he dragged me with him. The sound of the chopper was loud and that was the reason we needed to get the fuck out of there as soon as possible. 

I looked over my shoulder at Sam and Sandy. Sam was running behind me while Sandy stayed where she was, firing off the first bullet from the rifle. 

"Mom!" Sam yelled at her but she didn't turn around.

"Sandy!!!" I yelled at her too but she there was no response. "Taiyan...Sandy..." I said to him as we neared the chopper.

"I will take care of her. You and Sam get inside first, okay."

For the first time I felt like I should listen to him and I really shouldn't have. The wolves and Bulls were joined by a few male zombies with ax. We stopped near the door of the chopper. 

"Okay now both of you get on." He said to me and Sam. Sam was the first to climb on and I followed behind. Taiyan shut the door and I saw something in his eyes. It was a bad feeling. He backed away yelling to the pilot, "Go! Leave. Now!!!" 

"What is happening?" I was freaking out. Are they not going to get on? Does he have some other plan I don't know about? Is he going to meet us somewhere else? Is there another chopper? But there is enough space for more than two people. 

The chopper lifted up and I looked at Sam who was just as scared as I was. It kept lifting up as I looked down to find Taiyan and Sandy standing in the middle of the field and the number of animal zombies running towards them was ever increasing. They will not make it. 

I needed to act quick. I quickly picked up the headphone and started talking.

"Sir you need to wait for those two. They are with us." I asked the pilot.

"I was only told to bring two people back, ma'am. Please sit back and tighten your seat belt."

This feeling again. Hollow stomach. Shaking blood. Loud heartbeats. Ringing ear. Blurred vision. I blinked and shook my head. I am not going to sit back and let him do this heroic bullshit. I am sure he must've known only two people could go. So he decided to stay back. What an asshole? Does he think he is hulk? That he can survive anything? And what gives him the right to make the choice of keeping me safe? He has no right. I took off the headphones and looked at Sam. He was crying. 

"Get it down by any means necessary." I patted his shoulder once before I pulled the door open.

I knew the pilot was yelling at me but barely anything was audible over the sound of the blades. I looked down and we were about 6 feet in the air. I cupped my mouth and yelled.


He was too busy chopping off the head of a wolf to notice. This was increasingly becoming too unreal for me to fathom and I couldn't do anything. Or maybe I could. I've done the training before. I know how to not break your bones when you jump. The chopper was stationary because the pilot was waiting for me to shut the door. I wasn't going to. This is my chance.

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