Chapter 1

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Sometimes Words Mean a Lot

People really say words don't mean anything. But the truth is the right words, sometimes even a simple 'no' at the right time holds the power to save someone's life.

I stood on the stage in the uncomfortably tight red dress and smiled at the camera. I hugged the award close to my chest and opened my mouth to give the speech.

My eyes fell on the hoards of people looking at me and it felt overwhleming to realize I'm actually standing here. This time last year I was lying on my bathroom floor contemplating if I should just die.

"Thank you so much for this award. I don't know what I did to deserve this..."
My voice broke mid sentence and my eyes filled up with tears. "Sorry." I muttered and tried to stop my tears from falling and messing up my makeup.

The entire crowd cheered for me and it was surreal that I was there. It made me laugh through my tears.

"I'm so emotional right now because I never thought I would get to see this day. Thank you my fans who helped me and didn't leave my side when I was at my lowest. This really means a lot to me."

I spoke the words and that tear finally fell free from my left eye. I made a flying kiss gesture and began walking down the stage amid people's cheers. I walked slowly in my heels trying to see the stairs while the tears kept falling. I wanted to cry really loudly. I should be happy but after everything I couldn't believe I made it. That I am doing better while once I felt like life had no meaning.

I couldn't believe I overcame that. I saw a hand held in front of me. I looked up to see a familiar face. My bodygaurd. Taiyan, looked as dashing as he always does with those messy hair and his signature expressionless face

I grabbed his hand as he lead me to my seat. I sat there for about 10 minutes before I stood up. The ceremony was almost wrapped up. Taiyan as always had his eyes on me. He tipped his chin up and I gestured him to get me out of there.

I just wanted to be alone and cry and drink and dance and scream. He escorted me away from the cameras.
He took me through the back doors shielding me away from everyone and straight to my car.

I heard people shouting my name as I got in and tried to wave to them. I felt utterly exhausted. Taiyan got in the passenger seat.
As soon as the car pulled away I began messing with my zipper trying to get it off. This was such a itchy dress and I just wanted it off.

When I couldn't help it, I tapped on Taiyan's broad shoulder.
He looked over his shoulder at me in his black tux and his sharp jaw and peircing brown eyes, and it made my night.

"Can you get in the backseat?"
"Why?" He scanned my face.
I loved his face every time he gets confused right before I start flirting with him. It is one of my favorite pastimes. He tries to act all cool and ignore me. But I only tease him cause it is fun and he knows it.

"To take off my dress."

He blinked eyeing the driver awkwardly.
"What?" His jaw clenched as I smiled.
"It's really uncomfortable."
"We are just gonna get to the hotel."
He looked away not saying anything. I felt the driver's eyes on me through the mirror but I ignored him.
"Please. I won't tell anyone you like strawberry flavored lollipop."
"Jesus." I heard him swear under his breath before he turned around and stood up. I backed away as he climbed to the backseat and sat beside me.

He huffed and straightened his jacket.

"You are so pretty." I said to him when he looked at me. He gave me a glare but I noticed his ears turning red as he took my hand and turned me around. I cooperated.

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