I hold my hands up in surrender. "Look." I pause. "I'm not here to hurt you, I came to give you answers, if you'll let me." 

Her eyes shift to my hands to my face and I see her slightly relax from near the window, she slowly nods her head. "Okay, so who are you?"

"I already told you, Orson." I tell her, lowering my hands.

"Orson who?"

"Just Orson." 

She sighs heavily and runs her delicate small hands through her flowing red hair. "Okay, just Orson, where am I?" She asks.

I lean against the wall, crossing my arms and trying to steady my heartbeat at how she says my name. "You are in my house, on my land." I tell her the truth.

She looks at me confused. "Your land? In Queensland?" 

I can't help but grin. "No."

"Where is your land then?" She says frustrated, sitting on the opposite side of the bed.

Here it goes, now or never Orson. "You're not in your realm anymore, you're in a place called Sovern, it's one of the seven realms of Titus, my world."

Theirs a silence and then she bursts out laugher, the sound tickles my ears at how much I like it, even though I can sense she thinks this is a joke from her expression alone.

"Sovern, Titus? Are you mental?" She asks, wiping her eyes.

I growl at her warningly and she stares at me widely when I move from the wall, I go to stand in front of her and kneel down until we are within eye level of each other, being this close to her has my skin on fire with how much I want to reach out and touch her.

"This is a lot for a human, but I can not hide this from you as your mother did." I say bluntly and she stills at my words.

"What?" She whispers out.

I close my eyes and when I open them again, she looks completely startled from my change in eye color, what once was brown is now yellow, like my wolves.

"I'm a werewolf and I'm your mate."

Her eyebrows furrow and her breathing is shakey. "L-Look, you're clearly n-not well, my mother was the same, I-I can get you help-"

I growl out annoyed, I reach out and take her hand in mine, the moment I felt her soft pale skin against mine is when I feel the thousand tiny tingles throughout my body, I watch her expression change multiple times as I hold her hand in mine.

"Do you feel that? You're my mate Eleanor, I'm a werewolf and this is real." 

Despite my eyes and me touching her, she is still unconvinced of who and what I am, so I stand up, still holding her hand I pull her along with me to the door. "W-Wait, where are we going?" She asks nervously.

I don't turn to look at her as I hold her hand in mine and drag her along with me. "You wanted proof, I will give you proof." 

She tried to pull her hand out from mine a few times but gives up once we reach the front door to my house, I don't see her expression from the change in environment, which is different than humans, I focus solely on showing her who and what I am, so she will believe me, so I can get somewhere with her.

Letting go of her hand, I feel a strange sensation wash over me, loneliness? I missed her touch the second I let go, but I can't let that distract me.

She glances at the forest then to me wearily, knowing what she's thinking, she's thinking of running, but there's nowhere for her to go, the nearest town is miles away, and she can't escape my wolf.

I snap my fingers and she focuses on me, shifting nervously, I smile and mutter 'good enough' then begin to get undressed so I don't ruin my clothes.

"W-Wait what are you d-doing?" She mutters out shyly, turning around making me chuckle.


"Remember, I will never hurt you... turn around and watch me." I tell her, and she turns until I can see her bright red cheeks as she tries and not to look down at my naked body.

Stepping back I can't help but laugh at her, she's unusual but I like it. 

I feel the breaking of bones as I begin my shift, my gaze is solely focused on Eleanor as I shift, which takes five seconds to fully shift and start moving for Alphas.

Once I have all four paws on the ground, I stare up at my mate to see her eyes and mouth wide, almost like she can't believe what she is saying.

"Holy shit." She whispers. 

"My mother was right." She mumbles.

She surprises me and my wolf by laughing and then I watch nervously with panic as her eyes roll back and then her body hits the ground, I move swiftly to protect her head with my paw before the rest of her body hits the grass.

'I think we broke her' My wolf says, speaking up with concern as we stare at our small human passed out on the grass.

That.. went well, I think.

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