Taylors eyes landed on the star wars lego sets he noticed 4 sets that he did not have yet he knew if he had these 4 his collection would almost be complete turning his attention to lauren he smiled proudly up at her lolo aylor oose is that so bubs alright well lets pick them up then an pay you thirsty bubs uhh huu aylor irsty lolo alright lets pick these up an pay then we will get us both a drink ok mm esss lolo lauren placed all 4 that taylor choose in her arms ready to check out alright bubs hold on to lolo ok ess lolo they made there way over to the check out well good morning you already to check out i believe we are right bubs uhh huu aylor weady i see you one very lucky boy that your mommy is spoiling you mmm dat lolo mommy at home silly oh i see my bad lauren couldnt help but chuckle its ok honest mistake this is my sisters little one ahh he is cute yes he is lauren pulled taylor close to her she felt an surge of protectiveness wash over her taylor not phased cuddled in to his aunt after paying lauren picked up taylor an placed him on her hip alright bubs lets go after leaving the store lauren an taylor both looked at one an other announcing together it was ice blast time what something scarlet dosent let him have very often but it was lolo an taylors day what's a little sugar gonna do.

After getting there ice blasts both lauren an taylor set off hand in hand to buy his car seats for both cars alright bubs last shop then we will go nanas for lunch does that sound good mmm nanas lolo aylor hungwy i know you are baby lolo is too quicker we get this done quicker we can go to nanas get some food in our tummies see tasha give her the new car seat an then we can go feed ducks before we head home mmm uck uck quack quack thats right baby good job duckies say quack quack alright bubs stay close to me ok ess lolo aylor stays wiv lolo no run off noo alk people me unnoo stays wiv lolo safe wiv lolo thats right bubs, just as they was entering the store taylor stopped walking holding his head tay baby what's wrong brain fweeze noo wikes nuu uhh noo wikes noo ank ouuu awe baby you got brain freeze hm thats what you get for drinking too fast silly billy after a moment or so taylors brain freeze subsided mmm all better lolo well come on then bubs lets pick out your seats Afternoon my name is anna do you need any help today? No thank you i think we have this sorted dont we monster uhh huu we got dis alright my name is anna if you change your mind please dont hesitate to come find me with a quick nod both lauren an taylor set off taylor was looking at all the different types of seats nothing really jumping out at him until he see the paw patrol sign ooo lolo aylor wan go dis way come on lolo alright mr impatient im coming. 

After dragging lauren to the isle taylor squealed with excitement lolo ook ook paw patrol me wove dem i know you do baby what one do you like? mmm dis one an dis one lolo i see you sure baby you dont want to look at any others before we make a choice mmm nuuu uhhh aylor wan dem ones lolo pwease alright bubs them ones they are can you hold the bags for lolo why i carry them over to the check out but walk in front of me so i can see you please mmm otay lolo good boy thank you lauren was nervous to say the least about taylor not holding her hand but she could see him that was the main thing hi little one were is your caregiver are you lost? taylor looked at the check out lady shook his head an pointed to lauren behind him, is that your caregiver taylor again didnt speak he knew his rules making direct eye contact with lauren he nodded his head taylor was getting overwhelmed with all the questions he knew she was just being nice but not having his lolo by his side made him feel weird inside unsettled more then anything else like he was being watched maybe it was just his emotions it was like time stood still everything was happening in slow motion. 

lauren finally got to taylors side placing both the seats on the check out she looked taylor over concern written all over her face hey tay baby you ok? Taylor shook his head an wrapped his arms around laurens waist burying his face in to her trying to block out the world around him his body shook he felt hot an sweaty he knew what was happening his anxiety was getting to him lauren picked up on this the moment she felt taylors back crouching down to his level she peeled him off her alright bubs i need you to listen to me ok breath for me few deep breaths in an out nice an slowly can you do that for lolo taylor was too zoned out he could feel his air ways closing he started to claw at his throat he couldnt breath everything was spinning he was spiralling out ok tay come on come back to me breath baby follow my voice your safe your ok your at the store with lolo your gonna be ok follow my voice few deep breaths baby thats it good boy your ok remember what lolo said seats then nanas for lunch then see tasha an go feed the ducks then home to mama remember baby can you nod for lolo if your with me an understand what auntie lolo is saying taylor slightly nodded his head thats it good job baby removing his hands from his throat lauren pulled out taylors inhalers getting them ready for when he was more with it taylors eyes stopped rolling he looked at lauren trying to work out what was going on he was disorientated to say the least hey your ok baby you had a bit of an anxiety attack your ok you did great bubs im proud of you wan mama lolo i know sweet boy soon we will be home with mama again ok lauren held taylors inhaler up to him he took it easily not putting up a fight for it like he sometimes does probably still a little out of it lauren thought to her self after his inhalers lauren picked up taylor who just laid his head on her shoulder clearly tired. 

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