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- Hydra - 

It was dark, the only sound you could hear was the dripping of water leaking in though one of the bared windows... it had been days since you'd moved out of the room. You hadn't eaten in days, you were dwindling away. You hear a shuffle of feat and a steal door slam... you head shoots up, listening to see if you could hear any voices. Nothing just footsteps. Without hesitation you stand up protectively in front of the chamber they are keeping the Winter Soldier in. As you hear them all get closer. 

"Ah, thought we might find you here." The familiar voice of Alexander Pierce, the new leader of Hydra, steps towards you with someone else you don't yet recognise.  "At ease, we're not here to harm out treasured possession" He muses as you look like you're about to rip his head off should he come any closer to the soldier. 

"Who's this?" You raise a brow Pierce inspects the place. 

"Brock Rumlow..." the fresh faced young man answers.... he's heavily armed and built like a brick shit house. 

"He's my man on the inside, he'll join me in infiltrating SHEILD." Pierce said nonchalantly and then smirked as he noticed Rumlow staring at you.... "he needs a good proper Hydra welcome though I should think..." you turn to give Pierce a quizzical look. 

"I'm not leaving him alone..." you motion to the solider behind you, knowing that he would be safe in the ice but still, the thought of leaving his side wasn't one you could comprehend. 

"You'll do what you're told..." came the reply. 

"Don't worry, I'll bring you back here, we'll have some fun get to know each other..." Rumlow smiled, but there was something slightly mischievous behind it. Maybe he'd be alright to have around... when you weren't in the ice at the same time as the solider, it was rather lonely. 

"Fine..." you roll your eyes, your attitude a curse of amusement for Rumlow. You spin round, jumping up onto a near by podium to look into the gap in the ice where you could just make out the handsome soldiers face, he looked so peaceful asleep, less angry and scared.  You put a hand to the glass "I'll be right back..." you whisper taking another look as you are Rumlow leans over to Pierce. 

"You make her like that?" He motions to you as you lovely stare at the soldier. 

"No, apparently she's been like it since they found him in the 40s, we think its love, but we're not going to tell her that, or let he think he could love her back..." Pierce signed heavily. 

"Why not?... I mean if they could bread you'd have an army of super soldier portal jumpers right?" He asked but Pierce just laughed. 

"Oh agent, you have a lot to learn" he slapped his new colleague on the back. 

"Come on Y/N that's enough.." his tone changed to an almost venomous one as he called you over, you jump though a portal and land in front of him. "Show him around, and make him feel welcome, anything he wants you do, understand?" 

"Yes sir" you salute in a mocking way. 

"Crazy bitch..." he mutters as he rolls his eyes and walks away leaving you and Rumlow. 

"So, where did you wanna start?" 

"I have some ideas..." and with that you portal him and you to the soldiers quarters not knowing what was in store. 

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