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- Hydra 1991 - 

"OOOOh, who are they new guys?" You appear next to the Winter Solider as you watch a set of new faces walk though into a large training cell. 

"I told you to stay." 

"Yes well I didn't listen." 

"You will later." He eyes you, deep ice cold blue eyes with a threat resembling lust rather than hatred. 

"Solider.... you will train these men... these are the next wave of winter soldiers and we need." Karpov nods towards the cell filled with guards and scientists. 

"But they're unruly?" 

You eye one, a huge big guy, you get into his head, Josef. 

"That one is not stable!" You point at Josef, the whole team of new recruits look at you in unions unimpressed by your accusation. The winter solider puts an arm out in protection. 

"You will try to beat the Winter Solider.... you must prove yourselves worthy of a place with Hydra." Karpov talks to the new recruits and then nod. 

"I have a horrible feeling about this..." 

"Shut up, you shouldn't even be here your crazy bitch." Karpov spits as he glares at you. 

"Go fuck yourself Karpov" you blow him a kiss. 

"In" he motions to the soldier. The solider and Josef fight each other in a barred chamber at first the winter soldiers skill keeps the fight onside but eventually the unruly and erratic nature of Josef takes over, he twists the soldiers arms round before kicking him with enormous power, sending the winter solider flying.

"Shit are you ok?" You crouch down and the bars near where the soldier landed." You only get a grunt in response. 

 "Очень хорошо, Иосиф." (Good work.)

"Get him out, he's hurt!" 

"He's fine you whiny bitch, check the experiment" Karpov motions to the medic who takes Josef's pulse but as he does Josef grabs him by the neck and slams him onto the floor. One of the guards then clubs Josef onto the back with no effect. 

"Oh shit..." You look on as you see the others stand to attention... they begin fighting the guards and medical team, like a pack of animals. Karpov gets behind the Winter Soldier and aims a gun. You can't help but laugh hysterically at his fear.

"Солдат, вытащи меня отсюда!" (Get me out of here.) The winter soldier  escorts covering Karpov from the barred chamber, batting guards and super soldiers aside with brutality and ease. 

"I told you so!" You skip over to the exit where The Winter Soldier locks the cell door. 

"Shut up you little whore!!" Karpov screams almost insanely as he shoves you against the wall and rams a gun into your mouth. "I will not hesitate to kill you, powers or no powers!" 

"Don't touch her..." the winter solider swiftly lifts Karpov up with ease tossing him across the room. 

"You need to remember who works for who soldier!!" He almost screams and he scrambles up of f the floor. 

"You train them again tomorrow...you hear! Again!!" As he's about to ask two guard to escort you back to your cells you use your portal powers to move you both back, holding on to his metal arm you zap yourselves to his room. 

"Thank you..." 

"What for?" He looks at you confused as he paces, head still in battle mode. 

"For not letting him blow my brains out?" 


"I think the term your looking for is 'you're welcome'" you smile.


"Alright will you stop pacing you're doing my head in..." 

"Only if you stop talking ..." 

"fine I'll stop but only..." You're interrupted by a cold metal hand around your neck pinning you against the wall your legs dangling. You both stare at each other for a moment, his breath hot and fast... he suddenly kisses you, hard, forcefully and passionately, like nothing you'd ever felt before... you're body is on fire but then he pulls away. 

"On the bed..." he drops you and you do as he commands. 

"Yes Sir"

Tying your hands up the the leather belt and securing you to the bed post you wait for a moment before he removes a knife form his jacket

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Tying your hands up the the leather belt and securing you to the bed post you wait for a moment before he removes a knife form his jacket....sliding it down your face slowly....gently as if its not even therefore reaching your top.... he stops... smirks at you a little then slowly begins to cut his way though your top and bra then the trousers and pants leaving you exposed .... 

"Now be a good girl for once and let me fill you up..." he whispers in your ear giving little warming before he positions himself and rams his cock into your hot wet core.... all his angry, the pent up aggression being taken out on your 'too small for his length and width' pussy.... the pain makes your cry but the pleasure makes you moan out his name.... its over and hour before he's done with you. 

As you lay there, well fucked and shaking you watch as moved a strand of your sweaty hair from your face. "You're make me feel odd..." is all he says. 

"You make me feel odd too" you admit before he unties your hands.. you rub your wrists as they're freed. 

"You're in pain?" 

"No! No! no" you smile reassuring him before you create a portal and dipping your hand in you get new clothes and some washcloths. He sees to himself before turning to you. 

"Give" he motions to your washcloth. You and it over, wide eyed. 

"I'll do it..." the solider slowly wipes down your body, your breasts which he then kisses, your belly which he does the same and then pushing you back he wipes the mixture of your juiced off before kissing your clit. All the time whilst not taking his eyes off you. 

"What was that?" you ask slowly as you put the new clothes on. 

"I don't know" he looks at you sheepishly. 

"Shall I stay here tonight?" 

"Ok" he nods "ok". 

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