Chapter Eight

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. . . T'Challa's POV. . . 

Whist the others were fighting, he walks over to where Zemo is sat outside in the snow, listening to a phone message.

Zemo's Wife: You should've seen his little face. Just try, okay? I'm going to bed. I love you.

T'Challa sneaks up behind him. "I almost kill the wrong man." 

 "Hardly an innocent one." Zemo doesn't look at him.

"This is all you wanted? To see them rip each other apart."

Deleting his phone message... "My father lived outside the city. I thought we would be safe there. My son was excited. He could see the Iron Man from the car window. I told my wife, "Don't worry. They are fighting in the city. We're miles from harm." When the dust cleared . . . and the screaming stopped. It took me two days until I found their bodies. My father . . . still holding my wife and son in his arms. And the Avengers? They went home. I knew I couldn't kill them. More powerful men than me have tried. But, if I could get them to kill each other . . . I'm sorry about your father. He seemed a good man. With a dutiful son." 

"Vengeance has consumed you. It's consuming them." He blinks ruefully and retracts the claws in his gloves. "I am done letting it consume me. Justice will come soon enough." 

Holding a gun, Zemo smiles thinly "tell that to the dead." He tries to shoot himself but T'Challa grabs him just as he fires. Hiding him, his neck draped in his arms "The living are not done with you yet." T'Challa says slowly before he puts Zemo in cuffs. 

"Now... the girl...she help you?"

"No" Zemo said truthfully. T'Challa nodded... leaving a tied up Zemo he walks back to the silo... while the others are distracted T'Challa drags your unconscious body and rescues you.

"What shall we do with you crazy one?" he says softly as he walks back to Zemo arranging for his arrest. 

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