Chapter 26: Ticking Fuse

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I understood why my dad and Lauren were sending me to stay with Malcolm so they could arrange my grandma's funeral but I hated how they acted like I was a kid or a ticking time bomb. I was unpredictable at times yes but that's understandable I had a short fuse and that made me dangerous but I was learning to control my issues and my dad knew that yet he kept hiding me away from difficult situations thinking he was protecting me but rather making things worse.

"What's on your mind?" Malcolm asked me as he drove to his place. I was busy attempting to call Eve for the hundredth time but still, it went straight to voicemail.

"You can see what I'm doing," I said irritated wondering why he would ask me a stupid question when he could easily see what I was doing on my phone with just one glimpse.

"I can see someone is losing it," he raised his eyebrows with a scoff.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch I'm just stressed," I sighed, switching my phone off to give him my sincere apology for the way I acted.

"Oh no don't worry about me I don't take shit to heart, you of all people know that," he smirked.

"Oh I know," I chuckled, glad to have the tension in the car disappear. My laugh was cut short as my phone rang loudly giving me a bit of a fright.


Why was she calling me of all people?

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Malcolm asked me with a raised brow.

"No," I said, still confused as to why Angelica was calling me, she was probably calling to annoy me considering she hasn't been a bitch to me in days. 

Now that I think of it as my phone continued to vibrate I wondered why Angelica didn't annoy me these past couple of weeks, she has been completely absent from my life and for a while, I even forgot her existence.

Maybe she found a new mouse to play with, I don't know why that thought bothered me.

Malcolm drove to his place with only the radio filling the silence between us since he noticed I wasn't in a talking mood.

A lot was on my mind from Eve to my grandma and even to the end of year exams, I hadn't even begun studying for. Considering everything that's happened at school was the last thing on my mind and falling from my A-plus pedestal at school showed me a lot of things from one being that I didn't see why I tried so hard to get good marks in school and two why I even tried at school.

School is meant to be a place to learn and grow your mind along with discovering who you are and where you fit in society. Sure you get to discover what you want to become as well but at what cost, being bullied every day and having social anxiety made me hate school even more because they didn't care about your mental health as long as you pay school fees you could commit suicide and they would turn a blind eye.

The school was a nightmare and parents didn't realise how worse it had gotten. They think just because they grew up getting beaten by the teachers at school they think we are living luxurious lives at school but that's a lie. School is hell and the sooner people realise it the better because things need to change or more students will drop out or worse kill themselves because they can't handle the work stress, home stress and bullying everywhere.

People think we only go to hell when we die but they don't realise we are living in it.

By the time we arrived at Malcolm's place Angelic was blowing up my phone with missed call after missed call.

"Why don't you just answer it and find out what she wants," Malcolm suggested before he headed into his room.

I sighed, flopping on the couch before I answered her calls.

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