Chapter 13: Peacock dance

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By the time Malcolm finished telling me his past, I was in tears, literal tears.

"Stop crying, it's not as bad as it sounds," he told me trying to smile but I could tell it was forced.

"I'm so sorry," I cried ambushing him with a hug, he got a fright and swerved sharply to the side before he got control of the car and sighed in content.

"It's ok really," he said, patting my arm with his free hand before placing it hanging freely outside the car door. Only then did I truly know the meaning behind the endless tattoos littering his arms.

"But I'm still sorry that you went through that," I sadly said sitting back in my seat.

"No worries, but you owe me now though so spill," he urged, giving me a side glance. I tried to rack my brain for something as big as what he told me but all I came up with was that I was still finding reasons for being alive.

"And no lies, if it's true then you shouldn't have been thinking this long so you were going to tell me a lie weren't you?" He asked with a disappointed lie

"Maybe," I shamefully said.

"Why? I poured my heart out to you a stranger no less," he said.

"Because I only have one and it's a little too personal," I softly said looking down at my lap, my jaw tightening.

"Personal really, I just told you all my secrets but if you want to go personal then let's go. By the age of thirteen, I lost my virginity to an older man and I'm not gay by the way nor was it by choice. I hate octopuses with all my being don't ask why they are just so fucking ugly and creepy. I have never been to a cinema before and oh I hate coke and that's me all of me," he said blankly not keeping his eyes off the road, my heart was racing through the roof throughout him revealing his secrets. With a sigh I got the courage to finally think back to that night in the ally and recall everything that happened.

"I didn't exactly tell the truth about what happened the day Kyle died and I don't think Lauren has told the full truth either for my privacy," I began already feeling my skin crawl.

"What happened?" He asked glancing my way with a confused look,

"Well..." I told him everything that happened that night and the effects it had on me ever since. I told him my whole truth that I didn't even know I was holding back, I told him things about that night I never told anyone not even the police. Truth be told I remember one of the men taking off their masks and till this day his face was engraved in my brain.

"Shit," he cursed, clearly pissed as much as I was.

"Ya," I gently said, rubbing away the tears that managed to escape. He pulled over and turned the car off before he got out of the car and came to my side before opening the car door, holding his hand out for me. I took it and the moment I was out of the car he pulled me into a tight hug practically lifting me off the ground. 

His warm embrace soothed my racing mind and heart, his large form provided a safe sanctuary in those couple of seconds that we embraced. I wrapped my arms around his broad back and rested my head on his chest, closing my eyes and breathing in his masculine cologne.

"I know we just met but know that whatever you need don't be afraid to give me a call no matter how small a favour you need ok?" He gently whispered in my ear.

"Ok, same applies to you," I said in a small voice feeling slightly better now. I wasn't quite sure why I wasn't freaking out with him hugging me let alone touching me but it was a nice relief to be hugged like this.

"Good then let's head over to this party I could use a pick me up," he beamed.

"Tell me about it," I chuckled while getting back in the car. He turned the radio up with Good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo playing lifting my moods.

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