Chapter 19: See you Later

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"I'll see you later right?" Eve asked hopefully maintaining eye contact with me.

"Ya, I'll text you," I told her.

"Ok see you later." She smiled sheepishly before she quickly gave me a quick peck on the lips before she left the room in a hurry with a flustered face.

"Awe you guys are so cute," Malcolm cooed.

"Oh shut up," I said trying to hide my smile.

"If you say so P.B now move over." He ordered making me roll my eyes but make space for him on the bed. We lay shoulder to shoulder with comfortable silence surrounding us before I broke it.

"Why did you say it was you?" I asked, looking up at his chiselled jaw dotted with little hairs.

"Because Anji was asking too many questions and she wasn't going to stop till she got answered," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"But you would have thought of something better than that," I told him with a scowl.

"I know but that was the only idea I had on the spot," he said.

"You're an idiot, you know that now everyone thinks you're some kind of abusive guy or something." I was outraged at the thought as I clenched my fists remembering how Anji did a complete one-eighty after what Malcolm said. 

She went from admiring him to hating him in seconds and I knew that didn't only hurt me but him as well.

"I know I am but it doesn't matter what they think as long as we know the truth right?" He smiled nudging my shoulder with his playfully.

"Ya I suppose," I sadly said with my head hung low before I remembered what other stupid thing he did," Why the hell did you kiss me?" I asked outrageously, smacking his arm.

"Ow," he chuckled, rubbing his arm.

"Ow my ass, why did you kiss me?" I asked him angrily even though I wasn't that mad at him.

"It was just a distraction ok," he laughed as I smacked him again.

"A distraction he says?" I asked in shock," That was my first kiss you dumbass," I smacked him again.

"Oh, shit are you for real?" He asked in shock.

"Yes you dumbass," I pouted embarrassed by the look he was staring at me.

"Look I'm sorry P.B I didn't mean to do it ok I'm sorry," he sobered up.

"It's fine, just don't do it again," I said, crossing my arms sending him an icy glare.

"Yes ma'am," he smirked, pinching my cheek as if I were a child.

"Hands to yourself mister," I said slapping his arm away only to make him laugh louder.

Our little conversation was cut short as a nurse came to check up on my progress which meant Maclolcm had to leave the room.

"How are you feeling today?" The short petite nurse asked me.

"Much better thank you," I smiled slightly.

"I'm glad to hear that." She smiled getting back to checking my pulse then my blood pressure before writing down the readings. I let her do her thing without saying a word before she finished and unhooked the wire connected to my arm.

"Don't need this anymore." She smiled, placing it gently where it belonged before putting a small plaster where the needle came out of my arm. I hated needles, they always made me nauseous and uncomfortable.

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