Chapter 4: A little kindness can take you a long way

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The weekend came sooner than I wanted it to and it was time to see dear ole grandmama.

"Do we have to go see her this specific weekend?" I asked my dad like a sulking kid.

"Yes, now get ready I'm sure she'll have a few things to say about that outfit," he answered, packing the boot for the weekend.

"I thought we were just going for a day?" I asked in shock watching him pack our cooler bag that seemed full.

"We are but we're also going for a little bit of camping," he happily grunted as he shoved more things into the boot.

"For how long?" I asked

"Just three days is all," he answered with a sigh noticing my confused stare, "Don't look at me like that, I thought you liked camping," he said.

"I do during the holiday, not while school is on," I said with a duh tone.

"Calm down it's not like you'll miss a lot for a day, plus this is what Brian suggested, take you out for a change of scenery before you have to face reality," he said.

"Brian?" I asked confused.

"Your therapist," he said obviously.

"Right," I said, narrowing my eyes at him before sighing and heading in to change, once I looked remotely decent I packed a bag for the trip and went to the car.

"Let's go then," my dad excitedly said, locking the house and getting into the driver's seat like he just won the lottery. At the back seat was a new case for a flat-screen smart tv which I'm guessing was for grandma.

"You know you could've just gotten her a small normal working tv," I stated obviously.

"Ya but I'm sure Lila must want to watch other things too. This isn't only for Alice,'' he said, keeping his eyes on the busy highway.

"Ya but I'm sure grandma will have some things to say about the size," I mumbled, the tv was about twice her old size that she will not enjoy. Another hour on the road and we arrived in the countryside to the little cottage grandma lived in.

"Brace for impact," dad said with a sigh.

"Shouldn't I be telling you that," I said with a chuckle watching his face twist into an unpleasant scowl as he looked at the house.

"Ya we both need that warning," he sighed, together we knocked at her door and waited for Lila to open the door for us.

"Oh what a pleasant surprise, come in," she greeted us with a wide smile.

"Thanks, Lila, it's good to see you," my dad said.

"Same to you Nikolai," Lila said.

"Look who's here Alice,'' Lila let grandma know as we entered the lounge where she was nibbling on a piece of bread while staring at the blank screen.

"Get the hell out of my house you murderer," she angrily said dropping her plate on the floor, I watched it shatter the sound resonating in my brain making me flinch.

"Good to see you too Alice," my dad sighed in exhaustion even though we just got her.

"Get out!" Alice shouted getting her cane to swing it at my dad who ducked and took a couple of steps back.

"Alice please calm down," Lila begged, trying to get the cane away from her.

"And you, why did you bring him here?" She angrily said hitting me on the side, it was a soft hit but since I had a wound there that was still healing it hurt more than it was supposed to. I hunched over clenching my side with a grunt.

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