Chapter 16: Someone to die for

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It didn't matter what games my mind was playing on me I wanted revenge it was only fair that he got what was coming to him, an eye for an eye after all.

"BELLE WAIT!" Malcolm yelled after me running to catch up to me but I was too fast and run an arms-length away from him. 

I felt my pulse roar in my ears as my heart picked up its pace the faster I run, my chest heaving in pain as I run faster than I have ever to the point where I tasted that all too familiar metallic taste of blood in my mouth as my organs begged me to stop, I needed to work out more. The further away I ran from the entrance the darker it git to the point where I could barely see what was in front of me.

"BELLE!" Malcolm's voice was barely a whisper with how far u run ahead of him but that was my first mistake as I slowed down breathing heavily as I tried to find where the skeleton guy went but with the seemingly endless doors lining the hallway he could've been anywhere.

I gritted my teeth, my fists clenched as I tried to recollect my thoughts with my erratic heartbeat. One by one I began opening doors scanning the rooms with inhuman speed trying to find any human dressed in a skeleton outfit but I found none which activated me to the point where I ended up lunching the wall across from me. Pain vibrated around my clenched fist.

"Fuck," I cursed as tears of frustration rolled down my cheeks increasing in number as memories from that night in the alley flooded my mind one by one, goosebumps littered my body as I shivered feeling invisible hands grope me everywhere.

"Pull It together Belle," I told myself slapping myself across the face hoping to wake up from this nightmare. The slap left a tingling sensation on my cheek just confirming what I was dreading most, I was wide awake. I leaned against the walk with a heavy sigh looking up at the ceiling as if to ask 'Why me?' But no reply was returned so I stood there practically shaking and unable to move. 

Malcolm's voice could still be heard from afar away distance getting closer towards me but he seemed lost, I couldn't understand for the life of me why life was so cruel to people when they did nothing wrong or maybe I was being punished for not being the dutiful daughter that every parent dreams of. I tried to be the best version of myself but I failed because of situations that surrounded me making me truly believe that in the end, people were truly disappointing.

I didn't get a second to wallow in my sorrow as the door a step away from me opened abruptly and a hand grabbed me by my hair and roughly pulled me inside the lowly lit room. I barely got a second for my eyes to adjust to the lighting in the room before a sharp pain run throughout my stomach as the intruder punched me in the stomach then in the face. Pain resonated throughout my body as my attacker punched me repeatedly over and over their blows fueled by anger as they increased in number rendering me frozen on the ground in absolute agony. I curled in a ball as my attacker kicked me over and over not stopping no matter how loud I screamed for them to stop.

I felt pathetic laying there as I got the shit beat out of me, truth be told I wasn't strong physically and emotionally so I laid there feeling my will to fight drain out of my body kick after kick, waiting for the sweet relief of unconsciousness or better yet death.

"You fucking can't this is all your fault." My attacker angrily yelled kicking me harder with a loud snap as a result, I felt absolute agony as one of my ribs broke. 

An ear-splitting scream tore out of me as my body went into shock at the amount of pain I was in. My body shook uncontrollably with my attacker taking a step back in shock as if in shock at what he was doing.

The yelling of Malcolm could be heard clearly as he got closer towards us and he didn't sound calm in the least which seemed to scare my attacker as he rushed to the door to barricade it with a chair as if that could stop Malcolm. I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself but every breath felt like I was breathing in shards of glass, none stop tears streamed down my cheeks as I gritted my teeth restricting my breathing to shallow breaths.

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