Chapter 5: Its ok to not be ok

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I knew we had to go eventually but I didn't want it to be so soon.

"Well that was fun," Lila said when we walked back

"Ya it was," I said with a faraway look thinking about Devontae and every kid like him out there

"Let's hope Alice and your dad haven't killed each other yet " she joked making me scoff

"Oh please my dad is tougher than that he'll keep his cool," Lila smiled leading us back to grandma's place without getting lost. When we got back we heard absolute silence except noise coming from the tv, for a moment my heart skipped a beat considering the worst might have happened. Lila and I went to the living room first seeing the unexpected my dad and grandma sat on the couch in silence watching something on the brand new tv.

"Did hell freeze over or am I missing something?"  Lila asked in shock

"I'm wondering the same thing," I said in shock at my father and grandma being so civil for more than a second.

"Welcome back how was your walk?" My dad asked once he noticed us staring wide eyes at them.

"Good," Lila and I robotically said

"Great, ready to go then?" He asked, I was shaken out of my trance by that question remembering why we were here in the first place.

"Yes, let me just get my things," I said taking Lila aside to ask her a question


"Belle that's outrageous even for you?" She shrieked in horror at my strange request I asked her once we were alone.

"I know but look deep in your heart you know I'm right," I pleaded with her

"Alice won't agree with this you know that right," she said with a sigh, I knew what I was asking for was out of the world even insane, to be honest, but I wouldn't be asking if it didn't mean the world to me so that was why I was fighting so hard for her to say yes.

"Grandma doesn't agree on anything I do what's adding one more to the list?" I asked

"Fine, just don't come crying to me when she murders your ass," she huffed finally agreeing

"Thank you," I said surprising her by engulfing her in a tight hug

"Don't thank me yet," she smiled hugging me back, "But you can thank me later by telling me what's bothering you," she said looking at me with a sincere look. I grew little tense goosebumps littering my body as a shiver run up my spine

"Maybe," I quietly said feeling small and vulnerable

"Alright then let me help you pack?" She offered watching my every move with calculating eyes like she knew something I didn't.

"Thanks," I mumbled feeling like the walls were closing around me as I hugged myself breathing heavily. It didn't take us long to make sure we had everything we needed before we were on our way again.

"Bye," dad and I waved to Lila and Grandma who stood in the front gate waving back at us.

We got onto the rocky road making our way to God knows where because my dad didn't tell me where we were going no matter how many times I asked. It was unnerving in the car alone with nothing but the sound of the radio occupying the awkward silence surrounding us, just to test my limits the song lonely by Akon started playing and it hit way too close to home as I listened closely to the lyrics realizing how lonely I was considering I had no friends, my closest companion being the old lady next door and Clare. I truly made my life so depressing no thanks to my social anxiety, damn it wouldn't let me go out without having a mini heart attack. But lately, since that night, I have been extra jumpy and cautious of every man that comes near me even if their skin skims mine I freeze on the spot as goosebumps litter my body. 

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