Chapter 17: Resolving conflict

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Watching my dad and Malcolm have a heated stare was like watching Batman and Superman square off. In reality, we all knew who was going to win but by the stance, they stood they both had the idea they could easily win the fight. I on the other hand was frustrated by their testosterone taking over, thinking only with their fists.

"Would you please calm down?" I practically begged my throat sore and not to mention the splitting headache didn't help my mood either. 

They turned their anger-filled eyes in my direction only to show me pity and shame looking at me like I was a damsel in distress. I hated getting that look. It made me feel worthless and pathetic like I couldn't fend for myself and the truth of it was that I couldn't, I was weak and that hurt more than any pity looks I could ever get. 

"I'm so sorry Belle," my dad cried as if this was his fault, don't mind me I was still mad at him and no crocodile tears was going to change that.

"It's not your fault," I said through gritted teeth trying not to show my frustration towards him but he seemed to notice it as he took a step back letting go of my hand. He looked hurt, good.

"I'll be outside if you need me." He sadly said, his shoulders slammed like a sulking kid before he turned around and left the room.

"You didn't need to be that harsh with him," Malcolm said as if feeling bad for my dad.

"Trust me that wasn't me being harsh and for the record he deserved it," I grumbled like a child, I suppose now I knew where I got my childishness from; my dad.

"Ok it's none of my business but at least he's trying, that's more than you can say for other parents you know," he said with a raised brow.

"You're right it's none of your business so let's keep it that way," I said looking anywhere but his direction.

"Come on don't be mad at me I'm just trying to help you out here," he said with a pout.

"Don't look at me like that," I tried to act mad but a slight twitch of my lip failed my act.

"There's that smile." He chuckled, bopping my nose with his index finger, I twitched my nose, chuckling lightly then regretting it when my stomach curled in agony.

"Ow," I cried tears dancing in my eyes.

"Sorry," Malcolm said looking lost, not sure how to comfort me.

"I'm ok," I groaned through gritted teeth.

"Clearly your body says otherwise," he said with a raised brow.

"I said I'm fine Mal ok so let's drop it," I said with a small tired sigh.

"If you say so madam," he smiled looking at me fondly like I was his long lost lover or in this case gay best friend.

We spent the rest of the afternoon talking about anything and everything just to keep me company and no matter how many times I told him he could go home he declined saying home is where the heart is and currently his heart was with me. He was cheesy. I wondered how he couldn't keep one girl. He was charming, overprotective and always looking out for your best interest. His future wife is going to be one lucky woman.

By the late evening, Malcolm left to go eat something and my dad decided to come to visit me once more. He strolled into the room with his head hanging low in shame.

"Hey pumpkin," he greeted with a small smile, sitting where Malcolm was. He sat with his hands locked tightly in frustration with his back hunched. 

Maybe he was frustrated with me or something else but I didn't feel safe in his presence and the rise of the heart monitor as my heart skipped a beat portrayed that. He looked up at the mission, his eyes shining with tears.

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