Chapter 2: Frenemy

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On Sunday evening the weather drastically changed and it was raining cats and dogs but I quite enjoyed this type of weather so I told my father that I was going to get something for school even though I just wanted to enjoy the sound and smell of rain. I walked to the nearest shop with a big ass umbrella that swayed with the wind. I just bought some snacks and a file before heading home, the rain had lit up to a drizzle but it was still cloudy and dark with the street lights lighting my way. 

As I turned a corner I was abruptly grabbed by the arm and my mouth was covered with a hand as I was dragged into a dark alleyway. 

"Let go of me!" I screamed in the perpetrator's hand, I kicked and screamed trying to free myself for even a second. The perpetrator wasn't alone as they threw me harshly on the pavement. I groaned at the hard impact but looked up to see not two but three men tower over me with menacing smiles. I tried to memorise their faces but they wore black masks that only revealed their mouths and it was pretty dark to see them. I tried to grab anything to defend myself with but all I managed to grab was a small stick. I guess this is what you get when you walk alone at night, I mean I knew the risks of what I was doing but I've walked this street for years with no trouble even at night but I guess this was just my unlucky day.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" I yelled hoping someone will hear my cries for help but unfortunately no one came to my rescue no matter how loud I screamed and the result was inevitable.

Hands so many hands clawing at my skin leaving a burning sensation in its wake. No amount of begging, screaming or crying was heard by the attackers.


I hazily pried my eyes open watching droplets of rainfall from the sky as my body screamed in agony, my clothes were ripped to shreds and I had a few stab wounds depicted by the knife sticking out of my leg with bruises littering my body from my struggles. As I lay there gasping for air I thought this was the end of me and I had no one but myself to blame. This is why men scared me, to know the sheer strength they had and what bad things they could do with it terrified me. I know not all men are like this and women can be just as despicable but I just couldn't get over my fear of men and as I lay on the ground waiting for death to take me home there was only one thought running through my mind.

'I hate men with all my being'

I don't remember what happened after I passed out from loss of blood but I woke up in the hospital with wires sticking out of my arm and a burning sensation in the pits of my stomach every time I breathed, silent tears escaping my eyes as I took shallow breaths.

"Hey, welcome back to the living," A nurse said with a small smile, I groaned loudly at the impeccable pain I was in.

"Take it, easy dear. I know everything hurts now but you'll feel better after taking a few of these." She said, helping me drink some medication. I honestly couldn't handle the amount of pain I was in and I passed out because when I woke up again the pain was less and just a gentle hum reminding me it was still there.

"Hey, are you feeling any better?" The nurse from earlier asked me once I gained consciousness.

"Mhm," I hummed my throat feeling parched and sore.

"That's good," She said, writing something down on the clipboard she had in her hands, "So would you mind telling me your name, age and the last thing you remember?" She asked me.

"Uh my name's Bellenthu Khole and I'm seventeen years old," my voice was barely above a whisper, "The last thing I remember was staring at the night sky as it rained." I softly said.

"Do you remember anything before that?'' She asked me, I gritted my teeth as those memories flashed in my mind. Hands so many hands pulling and tugging at every part of my body as I begged them to stop but my voice fell on deaf ears, to answer her question yes I remembered everything just thinking about it made my skin crawl like ants were crawling all over my body it made me nauseous.

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