Chapter 14: Gay Bestfriend

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To my absolute surprise, the sexually frustrated pair kept their hands to themselves. Anji showed us around her house which was more breathtaking on the inside than out, the rooms were elegantly designed for royalty. I had never seen or ever been in such a beautifully designed house in my entire house so you couldn't blame me when I took Malcolm's phone to take endless pictures of everything that got my attention. 

"Slow down would you, I don't need to be running out of space because of pictures of worthless things," Malcolm said.

"Excuse you, Hercules, these things are priceless artefacts." Anji defensively said, crossing her arms over her chest. 

Malcolm simply smirked and winked at her and she was once more a puddle of goo at his beck and call. I sighed, rolling my eyes in annoyance before I sat down on the expensive couch that cost more than my life. I turned the tv on to pass the time since those two love birds wanted to do something else together in the bedroom without being disturbed. Bunch of uncontrollable horny teenagers who couldn't control their libido for more than a few seconds.

I still envied them more than anything but I couldn't let them know how pathetic I was. So once again I just shoved all my raging emotions down which felt like I was trying to close an overpacked suitcase and putting my whole weight on it to close it but it was barely keeping it closed. I had too many pent up emotions that I had no idea what to do with but I had to figure something out before I exploded on someone as I did on Eve. With a heavy sigh, I laid my head against the couch staring at the intricately designed white ceiling, hoping it would hold all the answers to my questions.

"What's your problem?" I had a fright as Anji sat next to me on the couch with a scowl on her face as her usual resting bitch face.

"Nothing," I said through gritted teeth, still trying to calm my racing heartbeat.

"Leave her alone she's got a lot on her plate," Malcolm said sitting on the other side of me as I was sandwiched in between them.

"And what might that be?" Anji asked with curiosity wondering what was bothering me so she could find other ways to annoy me.

"Nothing that concerns you," I said with a glance at her before I rested my head on Malcolm's shoulder while stuffing a yawn as I felt exhaustion take over me. 

Malcolm put on a random movie on the massive smart tv to pass the time, Anji's butler provided us with blankets and snacks to make the room feel even cosier. Malcolm and I shared a blanket while Anji had her own while she glared daggers at me for stealing her man, but I didn't get why she was so mad when she knew I was gay. I snuggled against Malcolm curled up in a ball with my knees on his legs and my head on his shoulder with his arm around my back resting on my leg. I was trying to pay attention to the movie but I gave up after a few minutes letting darkness completely consume me.

Once again I was fortunate to not have any nightmares instead I had a peaceful dream.


I sat at a beach I haven't been to before, on the sand, with the sky as clear as the sea before me with a light warm breeze. If I didn't know any better I would assume I was at a Miami beach with how breathtaking the whole scene was. I took a deep breath feeling absolute tranquillity for the first time in months.

"Beautiful right?" A broken voice spoke next to me, I turned my attention to the stranger but I was surprised to see no recognition of who the person is. 

They were nothing more than a black silhouette of a person with the only colour on their body being their white eyes. They had no mouth either, just resembling a young woman the same height as me. She sat in a similar position as myself with her knees to her chest and arms wrapped around her legs.

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