Chapter 25: Rapunzel

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It had been a week since Eve broke up with me and a whole week since she hadn't been in school. I figured she just needed time to herself to figure out where her life is at the moment which explained why she hasn't answered my calls or texts.

It has also been a week since Lauren moved in with us which I might admit was a bit odd at first seeing her everywhere around the house. She was a very active young woman, if you didn't find her cleaning the house or cooking up a storm she would be doing yoga with my dad constantly keeping him on his toes. I suppose in the end she was quite a perfect match for my dad and I guess how they bonded over losing each other's spouses is what brought them closer.

The school was a bit more busy considering it was final exams, which I was not prepared for. It was during English class when my phone rang loudly frightening me along with the girl beside me.

"Phones off!" Yelled my English teacher who turned around from the board to give us death stares. I quickly fumbled to switch my phone to silence before I quickly scanned who was calling me. My dad's name hopped up on the notifications.

He knew better than to call during school time, he didn't send one message so I assumed it was nothing important. I don't know how I left my phone on loud because I always had it on silent during school so when everyone turned their eyes to me my heart flew out the window as sweat dotted the back of my neck.

Not even ten minutes into the lesson there came a knock on the door. Our English teacher sighed before she walked to the door to greet the person knocking so loudly. The school Secretary stood outside and spoke in hushed tones with my English teacher before the English teacher turned to us and spoke.

"Bellenthu you're wanted at the principal's office," she said, not pronouncing my name right.

I shakily stood up unsure why the principal wanted to see me. I packed my things and slang my bag over my shoulder as I walked out of the class following the school secretary a few steps behind her. My heart was pounding out of control at the thought that I might've done something wrong because I've never been sent to the principal's office before in my entire life and the thought of going there to be punished scared me shitless.

"She'll see you now," the secretary said kindly before she went to her desk next to the principal's office.

The waiting area was dead quiet as I anxiously waited to be called by the principal. I didn't have to wait longer than five minutes before the door opened.

"Dad?" I was surprised to see him come out of the office.

"Hey Belle," he greeted me with slouched shoulders, Lauren trotted behind him like the dutiful partner she was in stylish attire that made her look like a model. I gave them both a quick hug before voicing my concern.

"What's going on?" I asked gravely wondering why they looked like someone just died. They led me out of the school silently before Lauren spoke.

"We'll tell you in the car," she said gently, placing her delicate manicured hand on my shoulder. We walked to my dad's car with a cloud over our heads, once we were in the car I waited anxiously for one of them to speak.

Lauren looked over at my dad who looked back at her with a knowing look.

"Perhaps we can talk about this once we get home," she said, getting an agreed nod from my dad. That just made me feel even more worried as to what got them shaken up that they were afraid to tell me.

Throughout the ride home, I was fidgety just wanting my dad to tell me what's going on. I was the first out of the car as I hoped they would hurry up and tell me what's going on.

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