Chapter 24: Reconciliation

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After the heart to heart, I had with Malcolm I saw things in a whole new light. Who knew all it took was a good verbal slap to the face to see things differently. I knew what I had to do but that didn't make it any less fun to do.

With shaky legs the following morning I got up early for two reasons, one: obviously for school and two: to have a serious talk with my dad. I knocked softly in his door at around five-thirty in the morning, Malcolm was a pretty heavy sleeper thanks to his sleeping tablets but last night he slept straight away without them and didn't seem to be having any nightmares by the serene look on his face so I left the room quietly careful not to wake him.

I heard shuffling on the other side of the door before the door opened to reveal my dad wearing his gown with a tired look like he hadn't slept the entire night.

"Belle?" He asked in surprise, clearly not expecting to see me up so early.

"Can we talk?" I asked sheepishly, looking down in shame.

"Of course, uh come in." He stepped aside to let me in before he closed the door behind him. I headed over to sit at the edge of his king bed wringing my fingers anxiously as I wanted for him to sit beside me.

"I have a feeling I'm going to get yelled at again." He chuckled lightly sitting beside me dipping the bed with his weight.

I couldn't help but chuckle at remembering that a few months ago if he was near me my heart would shoot through the roof but all I felt now was ashamed of my actions towards him. He didn't deserve my childishness and for the life of me I didn't know why ever since that night I've just been losing control over my emotions and I hated that feeling, I needed them under wraps urgently before I said something that could destroy a good relationship.

I chuckled lightly, shaking my head slightly," No I promise I'm not here to yell at you, I'm here to apologize for my childish behaviour. I have been acting like a spoiled brat these past couple of days which is unjust and something I'm not proud of. A Lot of things happened to me that night in the alley and it changed me drastically, not for the better either. I realised I've taken all my anger out on you and that's so unfair on me because you've been trying so hard to change yet I haven't given you a moment of grief. The bottom line is I'm sorry for how I've been acting, I was in so much pain that I took it out on the closest person to me,"

 I swallowed heavily tears escaping my eyes as a lump formed in my throat, I looked up to my dad who was looking back at me intently with blurry eyes, "I don't hate you I could never hate you, I love you more than the air I breathe and I'm sorry I'm such a failure of a daughter." I cried finally letting out the sobs I've been holding back.

Dad pulled me into his side, hugging me tightly as he rubbed my back gently.

"You're not a failure Bellenthu and you could never be. You're so smart and beautiful, I cannot imagine why you would think I think you're a failure. You've achieved so much and have a lot more to achieve so don't dare call yourself a failure because you're not, if anyone is a failure it's me. I also have to apologise for not being there for you and making you feel like you couldn't come to me for help. But I'm glad we're working on us because that's more than I can ask of you." He said, kissing my forehead.

"I'm glad to dad," I sniffed, hugging tighter.

"Ok hold on champ I'm not as strong as I look." He chuckled, tapping my back gently.

"I love you, Dad," I said, meaning every word.

"I love you too Belle," He said happily," Come on, you have school in an hour, rest a bit." He said getting up looking much better than when I came in.

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