ii.10. nothing will pull us apart

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"Sorry for getting blood all over you," Ziggy answered placing a small kiss on Carmen's lips. The brunette looked to her sadly before walking hand in hand to the door. Cindy passed out shovels as Alice frowned. "What? I have to use my hands?"

"No, you're staying here."

"Come on, I can hop just fine," she hopped proving her point. Carmen stifled a laugh as Cindy tilted her head. Alice's smile faded.

"I watched my dad go to jail when I was six . . I watched my mom steal so I can eat . . . the first time I cut myself I was 12, it was after . . . well you know, but tonight, I watched your perfect boyfriend turn into a monster and kill the only person I've ever loved . . . I've waited my whole fucking life for this. Let me see this through . . . for Arnie , for Tommy,"

"For Max," Carmen chimed in as Alice shook her head.

"For Shadyside."

Cindy's jaw relaxed as she slowly nodded. "For Shadyside," she answered turning to Carmen and Ziggy. "For Shadyside," they answered in unison.

Cindy suddenly screamed. The Nightwing killer barged in swinging the axe at Alice, who fell to the floor. Carmen jumped apart from Ziggy throwing a look at Cindy.

"I thought you killed him!?" She yelled as Cindy
knocked down the now-dead killer. He regained his stance but not before Cindy sent him into the wall. "Fuck! Why won't you fucking die?" Cindy cried beheading her perfect boyfriend. Ziggy gasped as his head rolled onto the ground with a sickening crunch.

"Shit, why didn't you tell me your sister was that cool," Carmen muttered shakily walking towards Alice. She crouched to her knees as Cindy fell besides her.

"Alice—Alice? Just stay with me Alice," Cindy whimpered.

"You did it snitch," Alice gasped as Cindy shook her head. "Guess that's why I've always loved you," her breath shook. Slowly it stopped. Cindy sobbed placing a hand on top of the dead counselor. Ziggy crouched besides the brunette. In front of them, singing echoed.

"You always hurt the one you love, the one you shouldn't hurt at all".

"W-what the fuck is that?" The brunette asked fearfully as Cindy looked forwards. Slowly, Cindy and Ziggy crept towards the kitchen. Carmen stood up to follow, but was caught off guard by a static noise. Reaching into her pocket, she grabbed the black walk-ie talkie.


"CARMEN? I'm here—WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" A voice yelled on the other side. Carmen furrowed her brows hearing her brother's voice. "Max? Wait you're still alive? What the hell?" She asked before watching Cindy and Ziggy sprint out of the kitchen.

"Run!" Cindy yelled. Behind the Berman sisters, Carmen saw a 60's styled girl climb out of the vent. Her jaw dropped as she quickly grabbed her shovel. "There's more of them?!" Carmen screamed. While Tommy latched onto Ziggy's leg, Cindy pulled her sister as the three ran out the mess-hall's double doors.

Carmen looked out into the dark camp."Max—he's here!" Carmen yelled as the three girls ran towards the tree. Cindy stopped her.

"You have to go, you need to find him," she rushed out but Carmen hesitated looking to Ziggy. "Carmen, you need to go. Ziggy and I are ending this right now, we'll be fine," her voice broke off as Carmen's breath shook. Ziggy quickly pulled her girlfriend into a tight hug.

| CHAOS | 1994 n. goode | 1978  z.berman |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin